How to Expand Your Online Business Using Marketing Automation

eCommerce involves daily monotonous duties that suck up valuable time that could be used for your online store’s more tactical, innovative, or promotional initiatives. Apply marketing automation to your online website to stop wasting time. Continue reading to learn how.

What is Automated eCommerce Marketing?

A marketing automation system for e-commerce is a system that automates online marketing activities. Sending welcome letters to users who create accounts on the website, looking over abandoned carts, managing a newsletter with the most recent e-commerce deals, and other actions are examples of actions. An e-commerce manager is responsible for conducting this process daily, but no human involvement is required.

Marketing automation is becoming more and more appealing because it enables you to control and automate the workflow of routine chores for your online business. As a result? More rapid, focused, and efficient action.

Benefits of marketing automation on your business website

The benefits of automated marketing for a website vary; the most obvious benefit is unquestionably time savings, which is strongly related to a decrease in labor expenditures.

An eCommerce manager can eliminate unpleasant tasks that make little difference thanks to marketing automation technologies. S/he is then free to focus on more strategic tasks, like selecting a new product line for the catalog or establishing fruitful new partnerships with other influencers or brand owners. Ensure you are making a business-wise decision by comparing Keap price options.

Additionally, integrating marketing automation into eCommerce means improving the precision of marketing texts distributed to user bases from the platform.

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The 5 Most Effective E-Commerce Marketing Automation Techniques

  1. Greeting email

Typically, a user should get a welcome email with a confirmation of their membership instantly after creating an account on your website or signing up for a newsletter.

Why is it so crucial to send welcome emails? Because they are timely and elicit genuine interest from the buyer. This is due to the fact that they provide information like login details or a discount coupon in addition to confirmation that platform registration was completed and other useful information.

The best way to connect with potential consumers is through automatic greeting emails.

  1. Click-based workflow

The most sophisticated marketing automation management involves automating customized email blasts based on user activity.

With the help of this tool, your business may strengthen the relevance of a campaign or message to the audience, boosting the rate of conversion and relationships with brand-aligned customers.

In this situation, a workflow that is specific to each recipient’s click might be developed as part of an advanced marketing automation approach.

  1.  Buying behavior based workflow

This kind of email aids in contact database segmentation, making subscriber marketing initiatives for your brand much more effective. Your e-commerce will automatically notify customers of new product offers that are related to what they have already purchased (cross-selling) and ask for feedback once they have received their order when utilizing this technique.

  1. Birthday mails

The user’s birthday, which was entered into the server during registration, serves as the catalyst for this method. This email might be the ideal justification for a progressive e-commerce marketing campaign to provide the customer with a special discount and convince them to purchase something.

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It’s challenging to understand the rate of conversion that was seen for this automated email type. When compared to promotional emails, transaction rates are 481% higher, revenue is 342% higher, and unique click through rates are 179% higher.

If you haven’t benefited from this captivating eCommerce opportunity provided by Marketing Automation, you absolutely must!


You must be clear about your company’s requirements and spending limits to ensure you choose the best option for your online store. 

Additionally, consider the other marketing tools you currently use when comparing the various marketing automation platforms. What program enables quick and easy integrations with your Google Analytics account or Email Marketing tool?

Your everyday marketing tasks will be simplified as a result of these factors, and your eCommerce Marketing Automation methods will be better managed.

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