How to Disable Android Notification Sounds When Not Needed

Notifications can be both beneficial and harmful. They often act as message carriers and can be really useful when the phone is not working. But then, while listening to a song or composing an email on your Android, the notification ringing can be really annoying. So how to turn off Android notification sounds when not needed?

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It is said that smartphones are taking us out of the physical realm of this world. More often than not, while you’re having a live chat with someone, a notification ding will take you away, even if it’s only for a few minutes.

While it’s easy to turn on the do not disturb switch, the tricky part is how and when to set notification sounds for specific times.

Which leads me to an app called Dingless – Notification Sounds that mutes notification sounds when you don’t need them. Sound good? Well, let’s get started and see how it works.

See also: Here’s How to Disable Web Notifications in Mozilla Firefox

Dingless – Overview

Dingless, as the name implies, makes ‘ding’ sounds less annoying by eliminating sounds and vibrations. For example, when the device’s screen is active, the status bar does a pretty good job of showing notification icons and notification sounds which are pretty useless at this point — Dingless can help.

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Notification sounds can be muted when a person is listening to a song, driving a car, or when the screen is off.

It also boasts a Rest mode, which ensures that the phone only rings once even when multiple notifications are received.

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How it works?

Dingless has four modes — Screen On, Rest Mode, Music Mode, and Driving Mode. The first mode is as simple as possible — when enabled, notification sounds will not be played. Along with the sound, there is also the option to turn off the vibration.

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The latter is the important one because it mutes the sound when songs and videos are played.

Remember how the Bluetooth speaker went silent for a few seconds after you received the notification? This mode eliminates that.

Next is the Rest mode, which when enabled will only enable one notification sound per app depending on the set time. These times can be selected from the setup menu and can be 30, 60, 90 seconds or 10 minutes.

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The best thing about this app is that the sound is turned back on automatically after disabling Dingless.

Added: Driving Mode Widget

Announcements are great attention seekers. Think of a situation when a driver takes his eyes off the road to look at a person. A useful feature in such a case is the Driving Mode widget.

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All you need to do is enable the widget on your home screen and enable it when you start driving and all notification sounds will be filtered.

Check out some great apps and add-ons to enhance your Android experience.

Request permission

Since this is a play app with phone sound and status, it needs Android App permissions to work properly. When enabled, a persistent notification will appear in the notification drawer that you can quickly access the application.

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How To Turn Off Android Notification Sound When You Don't Need It E28099T

However, you can choose to disable it by toggling the Dingless Status switch.

Speaking of Android app permissions, here’s a GT guide to better understand them.

If Android notifications get really annoying then Dingless is the perfect app to deal with them. The app is free to install in the Play store with some in-app purchases. In-app purchases will set you back Rs. 65 ($1.01). So when will you get it?

See next: How to have a Samsung-like edge screen on any smartphone

Categories: How to

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