How To Delete Messages On Messenger From Both Sides

Did you accidentally send a message to someone you didn’t intend?

Sending a message to the wrong person or to the wrong group is a common mistake.

If you’ve been using messaging apps for a while, you’ve certainly made this mistake at least once.

But don’t worry, most messaging apps these days allow you to delete your messages from both sides.

However, some apps like WhatsApp only allow you to delete messages from both parties within a certain time frame.

But does Messenger have a time limit?

In this tutorial you will learn how to delete messages on Facebook Messenger from both sides in 4 easy steps (with pictures).

  1. How to delete two-way messages on Messenger
  2. When you delete a chat on Messenger, does it delete for the other person?
  3. How to permanently delete Messenger messages?
  4. Can you tell if someone deleted your chat on Messenger?

How to delete two-way messages on Messenger

To delete a message on both sides of Messenger, you keep the message, select “Add…”, select “Delete” and click “Cancel sending”.

After you tap “Unsend”, the message will be deleted from the conversation on your side and the recipient side in the chat.

The “Unsend” option means to delete the message from both sides.

In other words, the recipient won’t be able to see the message you sent them.

However, if the recipient has enabled push notifications for Messenger, there’s a chance they’ve seen your message momentarily.

When you send a message to someone on Messenger who has their notifications turned on, that message will show up as a push notification on their screen.

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It will only disappear after you press the “Unsend” button.

That being said, even if you’ve deleted the message from both parties, there’s still a chance they’ve seen it.

Regardless, here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this.

Step #1: Long press on the message

facebook messenger

Open Facebook Messenger > navigate to the message you want to delete.

First, open the Facebook Messenger app on your device.

While you are using the app, navigate to the message that you want to delete from both sides.

On a conversation, touch and hold the message for three seconds.

For example, if the message you want to delete is “Hello,” touch and hold the “Hello” chat bubble for three seconds.

This is similar to deleting messages on WhatsApp and most messaging apps.

In the next step, you will learn how to find the “Delete” option.

Step #2: Select “Add…”

Facebook messenger more options

At the bottom of your screen, select the “More…” option.

In this step, you will need to navigate to the “Delete” option.

After you touch and hold the message for three seconds, three options appear on the screen.

The options are “Reply,” “Forward,” and “More…” at the bottom of your screen.

“Reply” is used to quote and reply to a specific message.

On the other hand, “Forward” is for forwarding messages to others.

Finally, “More…” will open other options.

Since there is no “Delete” option, the option you want to select is the “Add…” option.

Tap “More…” to open other options.

In the next step, you will learn how to find the “Unsend” option to delete messages on Messenger from both sides.

Step #3: Select “Delete”

Facebook deletes messages

Select the “Delete” option.

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After you tap the “Add…” option, two more options will open—Delete and Copy.

Tapping “Delete” opens up several deletion options—one to delete the current message from your side and the other to delete it from both parties.

The “Copy” option, on the other hand, allows you to copy the message to your clipboard.

The option that you want to use is the “Delete” option.

Tap on “Delete” to open the deletion options.

In the last step, you will learn the option that you need to use to delete Messenger messages from both sides.

Step #4: Tap on “Unsend”.

How to Delete Messages on Messenger on Both Sides

Tap “Unsend” to delete Facebook Messenger messages from both sides.

After you tap the “Delete” option (from the previous step), you’ll be presented with several options—Cancel sending or Delete for you.

The “Unsend” option will delete messages from both sides.

Otherwise, the “Delete for you” option will only delete messages from your side.

Therefore, you do not want to use the “Remove for You” option.

If you accidentally touch it, you will not be able to retrieve the message from your side and the recipient will still receive your message.

Instead, tap “Unsend” to delete the Messenger message from both sides.

Congratulations on successfully learning how to delete 2-party messages on Messenger!

When you delete a chat on Messenger, does it delete for the other person?

When you delete a conversation on Messenger, it won’t delete it for others.

Your messages will only be deleted for others if you unsend them all individually.

Whenever you send a message on Messenger, you’ll be given the option to unsend or delete the message for yourself.

As long as you don’t unsend the message, other people can still see your conversation between them.

How to permanently delete Messenger messages?

To permanently delete Messenger messages, you need to use the “Unsend” option.

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The “Unsend” option will delete your message from both sides.

In other words, unsending a message on Messenger will permanently delete your message from you and the recipient.

There is no other way for it.

Can you tell if someone deleted your chat on Messenger?

No, you won’t be able to see if someone deleted your chat on Messenger.

You’ll only be able to tell if someone deleted your chat if they unsend your message.

Whenever you delete a chat on Messenger, the other person won’t be notified about it.

Also, the chat won’t be deleted for other people.


Sending a message to the wrong person can be embarrassing.

Of course, the best way to avoid sending a message to the wrong person is to double-check the recipient’s name.

However, if you have already sent the message, the best course of action is to unsend it immediately.

Also, hope that the person doesn’t catch a glimpse of the message you sent them.

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Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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