How to Delete All Posts on Facebook

Do you have a lot of old posts on Facebook?

If you do, you may want to delete them to delete your Facebook profile.

Deleting a Facebook post is easy—just navigate to the post and tap the three dots.

Then, tap “Move to Trash” to delete it.

Items in your trash will no longer be displayed on your Facebook profile.

Additionally, they are automatically deleted after 30 days—similar to the “Recently Deleted” album on iOS devices.

However, if you have a lot of old posts, it can be difficult to delete them all individually.

To speed up the process, you need to delete them in bulk.

In other words, it is better to delete all your Facebook posts at once.

In this guide you will learn how to delete all posts, bulk delete posts and bulk delete Facebook posts.

How to delete all posts on Facebook

To delete all Facebook posts, you need to navigate to your profile and tap on the three dots.

Then navigate to the “Manage Your Posts” page in your activity log and you should be able to delete all your posts.

You can delete all of your posts by moving them all to the trash.

Posts in the trash will be deleted after 30 days.

However, posts in the trash will not be displayed on your Facebook profile.

To permanently delete posts, you need to navigate to the trash, select all posts and tap on “Delete”.

Alternatively, you can put the posts in the trash and they will be automatically deleted after 30 days.

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Here’s how to delete all posts on Facebook:

  1. Access your Facebook profile
  2. Tap the three dots
  3. Select “Activity Log”
  4. Tap on “Manage Your Posts”
  5. Select all posts
  6. Tap on “Move to Trash”

1. Access your Facebook profile

View your profile on Facebook

The first step is to go to your Facebook profile.

First, open the Facebook app and log in to your account.

You can also open Facebook on the desktop.

In this guide, we will be using the Facebook app instead of the desktop version.

When you’re using the Facebook app, tap the “Menu” icon on the bottom navigation bar.

This will open a menu where you will see several categories.

At the top of the menu, you will see an option to “View your profile”.

Tap the “View your profile” option to view your Facebook profile.

2. Tap the three dots

Personal Facebook three dots

After you tap on the “View your profile” option, you will go to your Facebook profile.

The page you want to navigate to is “Activity Log”.

To do so, you must first open your profile settings.

Next to the “Edit Profile” button, you will see three dots.

Tap the three dots to open your profile settings.

3. Select “Activity Log”

Facebook Activity Log

After you tap the three dots, you will go to your profile settings.

On your profile settings you will see many options.

This includes “Account Status”, “Archive”, “View As”, etc.

Under the “View As” option, you will see an “Activity Log” option.

The page you want to navigate to is the “Manage Your Posts” page.

To do so, you must first open your activity log.

Tap “Activity Log” to go to your activity log.

4. Click “Manage Your Posts”

Manage your posts on Facebook

Note: If you don’t see the “Manage your posts” button, you’ll need to access your Activity log on your desktop computer instead of the Facebook mobile app.

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After you tap on “Activity Log”, you will access your activity log.

In your activity log, you’ll be able to manage what you share on Facebook.

This includes your posts, interactions, profile information, etc.

In your activity log, you’ll also see a “Your Posts” section.

Tap on “Manage Your Posts” in the “Your Posts” section to manage your posts.

If you don’t see the “Manage your posts” button, you’ll need to access your Activity log on your desktop computer instead of the Facebook mobile app.

You can do so by navigating to > three dots > Activity Log > Activity Management.

Alternatively, you can try to force close the Facebook app and then reopen it.

Once you’ve reopened the Facebook app, navigate to your activity log again.

This time, you should be able to see the “Manage Your Posts” button.

5. Select all posts

How to delete all posts on Facebook

After tapping on “Manage Your Posts”, you will arrive at the “Your Posts” page.

On this page you will be able to see a list of your Facebook posts.

You can delete individual posts or delete all posts.

To delete all posts, you need to select all of them.

To select all posts, select the “All” checkbox.

After you have selected the “All” checkbox, you will see “Archive” and “Trash” options at the bottom of the page.

Tap on “Trash” to delete all the posts that you have selected.

6. Click “Move to Trash”

How to delete posts in bulk on Facebook

After you tap the “Trash” option, a pop-up message will open.

This is a pop-up that says, “Items moved to the Trash will be deleted after 30 days”.

This means that your posts will be automatically deleted from the trash after 30 days.

However, posts that you’ve moved to the trash won’t show up on your Facebook profile.

In other words, when you move your posts to the trash, they will be removed from your profile.

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Tap “Move to Trash” to delete all your Facebook posts.

You have successfully learned how to delete all Facebook posts!


Deleting all Facebook posts can be done on the “Manage Your Posts” page.

Deleting individual posts on your Facebook profile is time consuming, so it’s best to delete them in bulk.

Instead of deleting individual posts on your Facebook profile, you can use the “Manage Your Posts” page.

On this page, you will be able to delete all your posts at once by checking the “All” checkbox and moving them to the trash.

At that time, the posts in the trash will be automatically deleted after 30 days.

This is a great way to bulk delete your posts on Facebook.

In case you don’t see the “Manage Your Posts” button in your activity log, you can try to force close the Facebook app and then reopen it.

Alternatively, you can navigate to your activity log using the desktop version of Facebook.

This can be done by going to > three dots > Activity Log > Activity Management.

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Categories: Social Media

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