How to deal with Chargers in Helldivers 2

Hopped into a Helldivers 2 match for the fight for democracy but can’t take out the big armoured bug, the Charger? Helldivers 2 offers a decent variety of enemies with different characteristics in the game. Among them are Chargers, armoured bugs who ricochet bullets when you try to use standard weapons against them.

These little blighters caused me plenty of grief in the early hours of the game since they often attack in hordes. A few of these critters can easily stop you from completing the objective and exfilling successfully.

Below, I’ve listed some of my favourite ways to deal with Chargers in Helldivers 2. 

Best ways to deal with Chargers 

Helldivers 2 dropping orbital precision strikeClick to enlarge

In Helldivers 2, the best way to deal with Chargers is by dropping an Orbital Precision Strike on them. Doing so will eliminate the Charger and any other enemy close to it.

If you die while trying to call an Orbital Precision Strike, you can also use the directional keys while dropping in to use your Hellpod to destroy the Charger. It is hard to execute, but works every time and is one of the most satisfying ways to deal with it.

Helldivers 2 Chargers weak pointClick to enlarge

That said, since Orbital Precision Strike and other Stratagems in Helldivers 2 come with a cooldown, you can also attack the Charger’s weak point to kill it without much effort.

While the front portion of the Charger is heavily armoured, the rear portion is prone to attacks and has no armour. I like to either get behind the Charger or coordinate with my team so one person can act as bait while the other can hit the weak points from behind. 

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Helldivers 2 Chargers Weak SpotClick to enlarge

Players can also use a long-range weapon like the Anti-Material Rifle to hit the weak points of the Charger. However, if you are high level, using the Expendable Anti-Tank, Recoilless Rifle, or Spear support weapons makes the task much easier. 

There are several other ways to deal with Chargers in Helldivers 2, such as using the Orbital 120MM HE Barrage, but I find any of the ways listed above far and away the most entertaining ways to do it.

That concludes our guide on how to deal with Chargers in Helldivers 2. While you are here, check out how to unlock boosters in Helldivers 2 and how to join public games. 

Categories: Gaming

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