How to Create QR Code for WhatsApp

QR Codes for WhatsApp can be useful when sharing your number with new people whether you run a business account, support group or other communities.

Qr Code for Whatsapp Fia

Starting a chat with a new contact on WhatsApp is not a user-friendly task. You have to save the contact on your phone first, then open it with WhatsApp and only then can you start chatting. You can take a shortcut to all those steps by generating a QR code for your WhatsApp profile.

Unlike its brethren—Facebook and Instagram, currently, WhatsApp does not provide a native way to generate or scan QR codes. But that doesn’t mean you can’t create one. In this post, you will learn how to generate and scan a QR code for WhatsApp.

Generate QR code for WhatsApp

To generate a QR code for your number or group chat, you must first create a link, then generate its QR code. Here’s how to do both.

Create link

There is another process for creating links for personal or business profiles and group chats. Let’s start with the personal numbers.

Create a link for a personal number

With Click to Chat feature of WhatsApp we can create link for any WhatsApp number. Once created, all you have to do is share the link and the chat will automatically open by tapping it.

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To create a link for your number you will have to use this:[WhatsAppNumber] Where [WhatsApp Number] is your full phone number in international format.

For example, if your number is 91987654321, where 91 is the country code, the link would be


If you want, you can have a pre-filled message attached to the number. For that use this link:

So the link will become

When you click on such links, it opens directly in WhatsApp — both on your phone and WhatsApp Web.

Create link for Business Profile

If you use the WhatsApp Business app, you don’t have to create the link manually as shown above. Fortunately, the app comes with a Short Link option that, among other features, automatically generates links. All you have to do is copy it. To see Shortlinks, go to WhatsApp Settings > Business Settings > Short Links.

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Create links for WhatsApp groups

To make it easy for anyone to join groups, WhatsApp groups offer an ‘Invite by link’ feature where anyone with the link can join the group. So be careful with whom you share the link.

To see the link, open the group chat and tap on its name present in the top bar to enter the settings. Scroll down and tap Invite via link.

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You will get several options like send, share, copy and revoke the link. Click Copy link. At any point, if you don’t want random people to join your group, tap Revoke Link.

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For records, only group admins have permission to create and revoke group associations.

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Generate QR code

Now that you have the link, it’s time to take some real action. To generate a QR code, you will need the help of a third-party website. Some of the sites we recommend are:

If you have a personal preference, you can also use it. No problem. Just open the website and paste the generated link in the website (URL) box.

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Websites offer various customization options like color, logo, design, etc. Customize the QR code to your taste. When you’re done, click create or download.

Congratulations! You have successfully generated a QR code for your WhatsApp number or group chat. Now share this QR code with others.

Pro Tip: If you own a Mi phone, your browser i.e. Mi Browser allows you to generate a QR code for any link. Paste the link in the address bar and you will have the option to generate a QR code. Check out other such cool tips for Mi Browser

Extra Tip: Scan QR Codes on Android and iPhone

If your iPhone runs iOS 11 or later, it has native QR code scanning. What? Where? Well, inside the Camera app. Launch Camera and point it towards any QR code. The phone will automatically recognize the information contained in the QR code. In this case, the WhatsApp link. You will see a notification banner at the top. Tap it to open WhatsApp.

On an Android phone, you’ll have to resort to the help of Google Lens. It’s an image recognition technology that is activated by pressing and holding the home button on your Android phone and then tapping the Lens icon. Some phones like the Google Pixel also support Lens inside the Google Camera app.

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In either case, point the camera towards the QR code and your phone will recognize the WhatsApp link. Click on it to open it.

Race to the future

So that’s how you can generate QR code for WhatsApp and skip all the hassle of sharing your number. I know that this method is a bit tedious. But things are about to change as WhatsApp is testing a native feature to add users with a QR code like Instagram’s name tag feature.

Next up: Wondering what happens when you block someone on WhatsApp? Get all the dirty details here.

Categories: How to

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