How to Create a Picture Password in Windows 8

Windows 8 won’t be an operating system just for your desktop and laptop computers. With the introduction of various touch-enabled features (like swipe to unlock, Metro Interface, etc.) in Windows 8 Consumer Preview, it has been confirmed that Microsoft is also targeting tablets with the final release.

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Now the point is, while you are working on desktop or laptop and you want to login to your windows account, it seems very easy to use password given the size of the keyboard you are working with. However, people using it on a tablet may have some problems entering their password using the compact on-screen keyboard, and it’s made worse if your password contains uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

To make life easier for everyone on touch-enabled devices, Microsoft has introduced an innovative user login method in Windows 8 called Picture Password without compromising security.

Picture password is a brand new way to unlock your Windows 8 devices by drawing predefined gestures on a selected photo. While the feature is built-in for users on tablets, you can go ahead and use it on your laptop and desktop as well.

Enable picture password in Windows 8

Step 1: Use Setting button and click Other PC Settings on the Charm Bar (Windows+C) to open your desktop settings.


Step 2: In the PC Settings app, navigate to User Settings and click the . button Create a picture password.

User settings

Step 3: You will need to re-authenticate your admin rights by providing your Windows password. Once you’ve verified yourself, select an image from your hard disk to start configuring the picture password.

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Enter the password

Step 4: Now draw and confirm three gestures on the image like circling an object or joining two objects and save the settings.


That’s all, from next time on, Windows will display the image you selected at the time of login and you will have to draw the same gestures to get through. You can also log in with a text-based password if you forget your picture password.

One can change or remove the picture password using User Settings again. Use the Change Picture Password button for the former and the Delete button for the latter.

My judgment

If you are using Windows 8 on a laptop or desktop computer, you can try this feature. But I think you will find it more annoying and you may end up falling back to text based passwords. On the other hand, tablet users will love it!!

Categories: How to

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