How to Put Your Instagram Link on Your Twitter Bio

Want to put your Instagram link on your Twitter bio?

Cross-promoting your social media through other social networks is a great idea as you can expand your reach.

If you have one social media account with more followers than the other, you may want to promote other social networks from your profile.

Instagram only allows you to add a single link to your profile, which is very sketchy.

Therefore, it is very important to urge others to click on the link in your bio.

Methods like adding a sentence along the lines, “click link in bio for more” in a photo’s caption, or adding a swipe up feature are used to drive more link clicks on Instagram.

However, the swipe up feature is only available to people with more than 10,000 followers, which is a huge minority on Instagram.

Twitter, on the other hand, allows you to add multiple links to your bio, which is useful if you want to promote more than one website.

Twitter is generous with the number of links you can include in your bio and in your tweets. Yes—you can add links to your tweets.

In contrast, Instagram does not allow links in your post captions, which makes it much more difficult to promote.

At the end of the day, Instagram hopes to keep its users in the app and not kick them out. They do this by reducing the number of links you can include on the platform.

Twitter is less strict on this because you can use your profile to promote one site and the site field to promote another.

Read on to learn how to put your Instagram link on your Twitter profile (even if you already have a link to another website).

How to put your Instagram link on your Twitter Bio

  1. Copy your Instagram link
  2. Go to your Twitter profile
  3. Click “Edit Profile”
  4. Paste your Instagram link in your bio
  5. Also you can add it as a web page

Putting your Instagram link on your Twitter profile is simple—you find your Instagram link, copy and paste it into your Twitter profile.

But the step that many people are unsure of is finding their Instagram link.

No wonder you don’t know how to get your Instagram link since it’s very difficult to find it on the app itself.

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There is no simple way you can copy your Instagram link from the app. You’ll have to navigate deeper within the app to find it.

However, once you’re done, you can copy, paste the link, or share it anywhere you want.

That being said, the standard is still to let someone know your Instagram username whenever they ask you about your Instagram.

This is because they can easily find your Instagram by typing your username in the search bar.

Furthermore, every Instagram username is unique (unlike names), so knowing someone’s username is the best way to find someone on Instagram.

But if you have another social media account (e.g. Twitter) and your followers don’t know you directly, then including your Instagram link in your Twitter bio is a great way to let them know. find and follow you on Instagram.

In this guide you will learn the exact steps to do that.

1. Copy your Instagram link

Instagram trip

First, you need to find and copy your Instagram link.

That way, you can edit your Twitter bio and paste it directly there.

But how do you find your Instagram link? There are two ways to get your Instagram link.

First, all you have to do is type:

Every Instagram account has a unique URL where your username is on the back of it.

In other words, every Instagram URL slug (the last part of the URL) is a username.

Second, you can find and copy your Instagram link on the app itself.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can find and copy your Instagram link within the app itself:

  1. Open the Instagram app.
  2. Click your profile.
  3. Tap the menu icon in the upper right corner.
  4. Select “QR Code”.
  5. Tap the “Share” icon in the upper right corner.
  6. Scroll down and select “Copy” to copy your Instagram link.

Now that you have copied the link, you can share it anywhere.

Although the link is your Instagram name tag, anyone who clicks on it will be redirected to your Instagram profile, where they can follow you.

2. Access your Twitter profile

Twitter profile tab

After you copy your Instagram link, open Twitter and go to your Twitter profile.

Your profile is located at the extreme left of the top navigation bar on Twitter.

To access your profile, tap your profile picture in the top left corner.

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Then select “Profile” to access your Twitter profile.

3. Click “Edit Profile”

Twitter profile edit button

Next, you want to find the button that says “Edit Profile”.

The button is in the top right of your profile, below its banner.

Tap that button and you’ll be taken to a screen where you can edit your profile.

4. Paste your Instagram link in your bio

How to put your Instagram link on your Twitter bio

Then what you want to do next is find the section that says “Biology”.

The section is under your name.

The bio section is where you can add a description of yourself, what you post, or multiple links.

You can also link another twitter profile without having to put the link by adding the @ sign followed by the account’s username.

If you want to add your Instagram link there, just tap the bio field and select “paste”.

You should be able to paste your Instagram link into your Twitter profile if you copied it to your clipboard from step 1.

Finally, tap “Save” to save your Twitter profile and your Instagram link has now been successfully added to your Twitter profile.

5. Also you can add it as a website

Twitter add site

Alternatively, if you don’t want to add a direct Instagram link to your profile description, you can add it as a web page.

One great thing about Twitter is that you can add multiple links to your bio.

You can add several links to your profile description, and you can also add another link to the website field in your profile.

To do that, navigate back to your profile and select “Edit Profile”.

At the bottom of the screen, above the “Date of Birth” field, there is a Website field.

Paste your Instagram link into the website field, then tap “Save” to save your Twitter profile.

You have successfully placed the Instagram link in your Twitter profile!

Frequently asked questions

How do you get your Instagram URL?

There are two ways you can get your Instagram URL.

The first way is to add your Instagram username to the end of the Instagram URL (for example,

For example, if your username is @followchainorg, your Instagram URL is

The second way is to copy your Instagram link through the Instagram app.

You can do so by opening the Instagram app > profile > menu > QR Code > Share > Copy.

Can you add a link to Twitter?

Yes, you can add links to Twitter. Anyone can add a link to their Twitter profile regardless of the account type.

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You can also add a link to your tweet(s). If you have an article you want to share on Twitter, you can add its link to your tweet.

How do I put a link in my Twitter bio?

To place a link in your Twitter profile, go to your profile, select “Edit Profile” and paste a link into the website field.

Alternatively, you can add a direct link to your Twitter profile and that link will automatically be shortened and hyperlinked.

For example, if you add your Instagram link (e.g. to your Twitter profile, it will automatically be hyperlinked and shortened to instagram. com/followchainorg.

You can try this yourself.

Can you add more sites to Twitter?

Yes, you can add multiple sites to Twitter. Twitter allows multiple links in your profile, so you don’t have to use the all-in-one linking tool.

In your Twitter bio, you can add multiple links if you want to promote multiple sites.

You can also add a website via the site field in your profile.

How to remove a link from your Twitter profile?

To remove the link from your Twitter profile, go to your profile and tap “Edit Profile.”

Then remove the link(s) you added in your bio description (if applicable) and remove the link you added in the site field (if applicable).


In this article, you learned how to add an Instagram link to your Twitter bio.

Adding your social network (not just your Instagram link) is a great way to get people to follow you on different platforms.

This is especially useful if your username is different from your other social networks.

This allows people to easily find your other social networks without having to ask you for your username(s).

Read more

> ? 32 best authors to follow on Twitter

> 15 Best Astrology Instagram Memes to Follow

> How to fix “Please wait a few minutes before trying again” message on Instagram

Author: Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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