How to Create a Custom Recovery Image of Windows 8.1

Windows 8’s Refresh your PC feature is useful when Windows doesn’t work properly or won’t start. But it can also cause headaches because users have to reinstall all their programs. Today we’ll look at how to create a custom recovery image for your Windows installation that includes all your installed programs as well as Metro apps.

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Cool Tip: Usually in Windows pre-installed PCs a recovery image is already available, and you can also create your own recovery image using recimg command in CMD.

But not all are comfortable using the command line, so there’s an app for that! It’s called RecImgManager, which provides a nice GUI and makes the process intuitive and simple.

Follow this step-by-step process to create your own custom recovery image.

Step 1: Download RecImgManager from here. Once installed, open it up and you will see the following screen. Before proceeding, make sure that you have installed/uninstalled the necessary applications that you want/don’t want in the recovery image. Also, if you’re having some serious issues with your current Windows installation, you’re better off doing a clean install. Once this is done, click Support button.

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Step 2: Now choose the location where you want to save your recovery image. Make sure that the drive you are saving to has enough space. As a rule of thumb, the drive should have at least 15 GB of free space to store at least one recovery image.

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You can create as many images as you want. Here, naming the image can be useful if you want to create more than one image or to distinguish it from any other images already on your PC. After you have selected the location and named the recovery image, press Back up now.

Step 3: The process will begin and depending on the number of programs installed, it may take some time to complete.

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Step 4: Once done, it will display a dialog asking you to close the application or continue. Fight Close. To check if the image has been created, open the program again and select Restore. You will see the images listed in the following screen. If you get any errors or you don’t see the generated image, try the above steps again.

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PC refresh can also be done using RecImgManager. Once opened, select Restore above the fold and it will show you the recovery images available on your PC. Select the one you created to start the restore process.


So that’s how you create a custom Windows recovery image. You should also store it on a separate drive, that way if your main hard drive crashes, you can still refresh your PC.

Categories: How to

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