How to Completely Remove and Uninstall Java From Windows PC

Previously, we talked about some online services that use the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to run server-side applications on the client-side. While talking about them, I could have told you to allow JRE to run on the page. But if I were talking about similar services today, I wouldn’t ask you to grant those permissions. Instead, I would ask you to completely disable or even uninstall Java from your computer.

Safe browsing

Confused? Yes, blame Java. Java has been facing a lot of vulnerability issues lately and developers are reporting a lot of security holes that are exploited by hackers and malware authors to gain unauthorized access to Java. computers around the world.

The situation is so bad that Feds in the US have asked users to completely disable or even uninstall Java from their systems due to a security flaw. In recent events, a Java zero-day exploit that compromised the computers of several Facebook engineers may have compromised sensitive data. The bottom line is that Java has always been the target of attacks and Oracle couldn’t patch it in time to expose vulnerabilities.

How long are we going to ignore these security issues for some online Java based services? Well, I don’t and if you also want to end it by uninstalling or disabling Java, let’s see the steps to do that.

We will show you how to completely uninstall Java or just disable it. While the former is an extreme measure, it provides perfect security from Java vulnerabilities. If you don’t want to completely uninstall Java, you can disable it from the respective browsers.

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Uninstall Java completely from Windows

To uninstall Java, open Windows Control Panel and click Uninstall a program link.

Uninstall the program

After the Programs and Features window lists all the applications you have installed on your computer, search for Java and uninstall any Java installations and updates installed on your computer . If you are a developer and you have the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed, you may want to skip it. After uninstalling the program, restart your computer.

Uninstall Java

You can also use an advanced uninstaller like Revo Uninstaller to do the above. In fact, it might be a better way to do it.

Disable Java

If you don’t want to completely uninstall Java and just want to disable it on your default browser, that’s also doable. However, it is beyond the scope of this article to cover how to disable Java in all browsers. We’ll see how it can be done on Firefox and Chrome, which are currently the top two browsers that we know of.

Disable Java

Chrome users should write chrome://plugins in the Omnibar and press enter. In the plugin page, look for Java and click off button next to no. Firefox users must open the add-ons page by clicking the . button firefox button and then disable the Java Platform(TM) plugin from the list. The procedure is quite similar to all other browsers. You need to open the respective browser plugin page and disable Java from the list.


So that’s how you can uninstall and disable Java in your browser. If you have it disabled, you will not be able to run some online applications that require the Java Runtime Environment to function. If you have completely uninstalled Java, other than online tools that cannot run it, some native Windows programs that require the JRE will not be able to work. The small price to pay for protecting your computer against the shortcomings that Java brings with it.

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Top image credits: dataization

Categories: How to

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