How to Add Hashtags on Pinterest

If you’ve ever used Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you’re probably familiar with the term hashtag. Hashtag is nothing more than a word or a combination of words preceded by the hash symbol (#).

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Hashtags that are clickable anywhere are supported and that’s what makes it different from the rest of the text. It’s like a link embedded in a word. When you click or tap on it, you’ll see similar content from others using the same hashtag.

Hashtags are relatively new to Pinterest, which is a haven to find beautiful, harmless content. If you’re confused about how to use hashtags on Pinterest, you’re in the right place. Here you will find all the details about hashtags and how to add them on Pinterest.


How hashtags work on Pinterest

Similar to hashtags on other sites, adding hashtags on Pinterest makes the text bold and blue. You’ll also notice that hashtags appear like a link like they do on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can tap or click on it to see related pins with the same hashtag. For example, if you add #DIY to your pin, tapping DIY will show you other DIY pins.

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That’s one way to use them. Alternatively, you can find related pins by entering your hashtag in the Pinterest search. You need to enter the hash symbol (#) followed by your search query. Example: #cats, #cushions, etc. Using hashtags is a great way to add relevant clickable content to increase your visibility on Pinterest.

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What Happens to Hashtags on Pinterest

If you search for something on Pinterest, the results won’t appear in chronological order. However, if you search using hashtags or tap or click on hashtags, you’ll see new pins in reverse chronological order, i.e. new to old. It’s a great way to see the pins sequentially.

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Where to add Hashtags

Hashtags only work in pin descriptions, and that’s the only place you should add them. Interestingly, on the Pinterest Android app and the Pinterest website, you also have a field to add a title. That is missing in the iPhone app where you can only add a description while creating a pin.

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If you add hashtags to titles (on Android and websites), they won’t act as a hashtag. However, if you leave the title field blank and add a hashtag to the description, they will also work in the title. That’s because Pinterest automatically fills the title tab (if it’s left blank) with a shortened version of the actual mobile app description (the full version shows up on the site in the title). subject). So it’s important to keep them only at the beginning of the description if the title tab is empty.

On the other hand, if you’ve already added a title, or if you’re using an iOS device, you can add a hashtag anywhere in the description.

How to add hashtags

Adding a hashtag is not rocket science. Just precede the word or phrase with the hash symbol (#) and you’re good to go. For example, type #cakes, #bride, etc. On an iOS device, you are also provided with an automatically generated list of hashtags. Tap a hashtag to add it to your pin.

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How to add tags to a Pinterest board

Pinterest boards, unlike pins, do not support hashtags. It’s useless to add them there.

Support device

Hashtags work well on iOS devices and the Pinterest website where you can create and click hashtags. Unfortunately, the ability to click hashtags is not currently available in Android apps. However, you can add hashtags to your pins (in the description) on the Android app and they will appear as clickable links, but you can’t click hashtags in other pins.

Edit Hashtag

Hashtags are editable. Whenever you feel that you’ve misspelled or mistyped a hashtag, simply edit the pin description and modify that hashtag.

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How many hashtags can you add?

You can add as many hashtags as you want, but Pinterest descriptions have a 500 character limit, so you can’t exceed that limit. And, Pinterest recommends that you don’t add more than 20 hashtags. However, you’re better off just limiting your hashtags to 3-5 as having too many tags can have a negative impact. It’s also important to add only relevant hashtags.

Are they useful and should you use them?

Correct. Hashtags are very useful and you should incorporate them in your description as it will bring more traffic to your pins and make them search engine friendly.

Hashtags on Pinterest are not as staunch as they are on Instagram. This feature seems broken or unpolished in many ways.

For starters, if you do two searches, one without the hashtag and the other with the hashtag, the results will be more relevant in the previous search. . That could be for two reasons. First, people use hashtags aimlessly. Second, very few people use hashtags.

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Furthermore, sometimes hashtags return untagged results that match the content based on relevant keywords. On the plus side, this is useful because your pins without hashtags reach more people.

Tips for using Hashtag

Here are some tips for getting the most out of hashtags on Pinterest.

  • Be specific in your approach. Use relevant hashtags.
  • Use only a few hashtags. Don’t keep using the hashtag just for the sake of adding it.
  • Use them to find new content.
  • Business profiles can use them for a contest, promotion, or to brand their pins.

Pinterest, make them right

Pinterest seems confused about the hashtag feature. Although they have incorporated it, much more needs to be done starting with support for Android apps. While this feature has its shortcomings, there’s no harm in adding hashtags to your pins. So you’re better off including them in your pin description.

Next up: Want to change the look and feel of your Pinterest board? Check out these tips and tricks to enhance your board experience.

Categories: How to

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