How to Access and Manage Your Google Activity Using Google Activity Controls

Google offers a wide range of products in the technology sector. Popular Google products include Chrome for web browsing, YouTube for video streaming, and Maps for route planning. While you can access the products online or through an app, Google recommends that users create an Account to maximize the benefits of these products.

When you use these products with your Google Account, Google saves some of your activity in the My Activity archive. Saved activities include the websites you visit, the searches you make, and the videos you watch. You can manage the type of activity saved using a feature on your Google Account called Activity Controls.

Activity types are saved to My Activity

Google only saves activity you perform on a Google product or service if the activity falls into any of the following categories:

  • Web and app activity: this includes your search history and activity across Google products like Chrome, Maps, and Search. It also includes recordings from your interactions with the Google Assistant.
  • Location History: this saves data about the places you visit or search, including travel routes. It also provides personalized recommendations on places to visit.
  • YouTube history: this history includes videos you search for or watch on YouTube.

According to Google, the purpose of storing user activity data is to customize the user experience. Additionally, users can edit the type of activity they want to save.

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How to edit activity saved on your Google account

In order for your activity to be saved, the activity must fit into the previously explained categories. Additionally, you must be signed in to your Google Account for data to be stored in My Activity. If you meet the requirements, here’s how to edit the activity saved on your Google Account:

Step 1: Open the Google Account page in a web browser and sign in with your account details.

Step 2: On the left side of the new window, click Data & Privacy.

Step 3: Scroll down the window to History Settings.

Step 4: Click My Activity to launch the My Google Activity page.

Step 5: On the new page, click any button for Web & App Activity, Location History, or YouTube History. This will take you to the Activity controls page.

Step 6: On the Activity controls page, scroll to the bottom and click ‘View all activity controls.’ This will reveal all Activity controls.

Step 7: Scroll to Web & App Controls section. You can click the Off button to prevent Google from saving data on your Web & App searches.

Step 8: In the Web & App Activity sub-settings, you can opt-in or opt-out of saving your Chrome audio, voice activity, and history.

Step 9: Scroll down to the Location History control. You can click the Off button to prevent Google from saving data about your location.

Step 10: Scroll down to the YouTube History controls. You can click the Off button to prevent Google from saving data about your searches or watches.

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Step 11: In the YouTube History subsettings, you can opt-in or opt-out of saving your YouTube search and watch history, voice and audio activity.

How to delete previous activity saved on your Google account

Turning off the setting for Google to save your web, location, and YouTube history won’t delete previously saved activities. Instead, only your future activities are not saved while old ones are kept. To delete your previously saved activity, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open the Google Account page in a web browser and sign in with your account details.

Step 2: On the left side of the new window, click Data & Privacy.

Step 3: Scroll down the window to History Settings.

Step 4: Click My Activity to launch the My Google Activity page.

Step 5: On the My Google Activity page, click ‘Filter by date & product.’

Step 6: Select the duration of the Activity you want to delete.

Step 7: Select the Google Product whose activity you want to remove.

Step 8: Click Apply to save your filters.

Step 9: You can click Delete next to the selected filters or scroll through the results of the filtered activity and delete them individually.

How to enable two-factor authentication on your Google account

If you decide to enable activity controls on your Google Account, you’ll need to enable two-factor authentication. That way, you can protect your data and protect it from being stolen.

Categories: How to

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