How long does Baldur’s Gate 3 take to beat? Early access & full game length

You might want to find out exactly how long it takes to beat Baldur’s Gate 3 in the current early access, and how long it will be when the full game launches on August 3. 

Role-playing games tend to have huge playtimes these days, and Baldur’s Gate 3 looks to be no exception based on early access, and comments from the developers. So, take a look at what we know about the Baldur’s Gate 3 length to see how long it will take to beat.

How long does Baldur’s Gate 3 early access take to beat?

an image of someone fighting a dragon in Baldur's Gate 3Click to enlarge

According to the game’s Steam page, Baldur’s Gate 3 currently takes roughly 30 hours to beat in its current early access version, which features the entire first act of the game. 

This number can range up and down depending on your playstyle, with players who want to rush the main quest and story getting closer to 20 hours; players looking to do everything they possibly can may get to 40 or more hours. 

That’s just one playthrough too, as depending on the type of character you create and the choices you make in the game, you can have a very different second playthrough which may entice players to have another go.

How long does Baldur’s Gate 3 full game take to beat?

an image of Baldur's Gate 3 gameplayClick to enlarge

While we won’t have an average amount of time for what it takes to beat the Baldur’s Gate 3 full game until after release, a recent interview with Larian Studios Director Swen Vincke from IGN, illuminated more about the length. 

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Talking about the game’s playtime, Vincke stated during playtests that the Baldur’s Gate 3 length was “between 75 and 100 hours”. 

He also estimated the playtime for players “who want to do everything”, claiming it will “probably hit 200 hours”. 

From these figures, it seems like even players who want to just mainline the story will need to put in well over 50 hours, meaning you’ll be spending a long time with the game.

The player and their party on a cliff in Baldur's Gate 3Click to enlarge

Another interesting fact we recently learned was that the game has 174 hours of cinematics, which is twice the length of every season of Game of Thrones combined. 

Now, most players won’t see all of these, as these will include cinematics that account for every possible choice and option in the game, so you’ll need to go through multiple playthroughs to watch all 174 hours.

However, it does help to illuminate the sheer length and scale of the game, even on the lower end of a playthrough.

That’s all for our coverage of the Baldur’s Gate 3 length, and now you know how long it takes to beat in the current early access version, along with how long the full game will take to beat.

Stick with TRAN HUNG DAO School for more Baldur’s Gate 3 guides.

Categories: Gaming

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