During the winter vacations, you want to have time to communicate with loved ones, meet with friends, sleep, watch soap operas, and straighten out the accumulated work. At the same time, you want to devote time to yourself, too, so that in January you can get back to school with renewed energy. We tell you how to effectively use the upcoming vacations.

Sleep in a cool room with an open window. The optimal temperature for sleeping is 18-20 degrees and a humidity of 60%. During wintertime, these conditions can be created by closing the radiator or airing the room before sleeping, and leaving the window ajar at night.

During the heating season, it is better to keep the humidity in the room with a special device – an air washer. It cleans and humidifies the air at the same time. So the body gets more oxygen, and as a result, in the morning a person feels more rested.

  • Sleep no less and no more

You should try not to disrupt the regime: go to bed and get up at about the same time as on weekdays. Of course, you want to sleep until the afternoon, but you shouldn’t do it.

Our body loves routine – too sharp changes in sleep-wake schedule will be a stress for it, and instead of gain strength you will feel weak and tired. Plus, the body rests best in the dark hours and works best in the light hours. If you break the habitual mode, then even a long nap will not help to relax completely. Two hours is how long you can shift the time of going to bed or waking up. Even if you want to prepare for classes after the vacations and you have a heavy workload, it is better to buy personal narrative essay and take care of your health.

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The hormone melatonin affects the brain, heart, and immune function. It is produced when there is no bright light in your eyes, so put away your smartphone two hours before bedtime. It is best to devote this time to reading a paper or electronic book with an adapted screen. You can go further and have a full-fledged digital detox for a couple of days – you’ll see, the quality of sleep will improve.

The “hormone of happiness” is produced during walking under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, it is useful to be outdoors during daylight hours to avoid seasonal moping. Rhythmic running or brisk walking for half an hour has a beneficial effect on the brain, reduces anxiety, and improves the quality of sleep. The quality of rest will be even higher if every two days you go to the ice rink, go skiing or go downhill skiing.

  • Listen to your favorite music

Music brings not only aesthetic pleasure – it affects the tone of blood vessels and can improve blood circulation. Those who are used to listening to music in the background during other activities should try to put things aside and focus on their favorite songs.

It is helpful to make a rough plan of activities for each day of vacation. People who go adrift on their free days enjoy their vacations less. Many people dream of watching movies and eating tangerines at home all day. There’s nothing wrong with that; you should just put a movie day on your list of important things to do.

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It is better to put all meaningful activities in the schedule of vacations, and a calendar of useful vacation hang in a prominent place. The schoolboy will mark the completed tasks and see that the time is well spent.

  • Make sure your plan is realistic

When you have all the important things to do spread out over the dates, you need to evaluate the plan in terms of efficiency and recreation. It’s important to make sure there’s time left for “doing nothing” as well. Hurry, workload, and fuss accompany the typical school routine, so they should be avoided during vacations. It is better to forego a few activities and schedule a minimum of meetings so that you are fully engaged in what is going on, rather than thinking about the next items on the plan.

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