GT For Beginners: Understanding the Windows 7 Control Panel

So you’re a new user of Windows 7 and you’re having a bit of a problem with your computer’s settings, or maybe you just want to uninstall a program and can’t figure out the right way. How do you make the changes to your own needs? A simple answer to the above problems in Windows is the Control Panel.

Here in this article we will clearly demonstrate what the Windows Control Panel is, how to access it, and a brief overview of how to control everything using it. We will focus on Windows 7 in this article.

The control panel is an integral part of all Microsoft GUI-based operating systems. It allows users to view and change system settings that govern the operating system. There are many built-in settings in Control Panel, and some additional settings may be available depending on the third-party application you install.

How to access Control Panel

Accessing the Dashboard is very easy; here we will outline two basic ways to access the Dashboard.

Using the Start Menu

Dashboard menu

Click the Start button to open the start menu. If you look in the right strip, you will find the Control Panel listed there. Just click on it to call up your dashboard.

Through my computer

My Computer Control Panel

Go to My Computer and click on Control Panel located at the top Tab bar.

The dashboard has three basic views namely Categories, Large Icons, and Small Icons.

In the Categories view, you can see the main categories under which different settings are categorized. When Category mode is selected, the Control Panel looks like this.

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When Large Icons are selected, all functions are displayed more widely. If you are on a smaller screen, you can click Small Icons to reduce the size of the icons.


The dashboard has many advantages as we will see later in this article. It helps you customize the settings to your liking. You can see which software was installed when, in what location, Version and which part was not.

Let’s start with some basics.

Equipment management

To access Device Manager, simply click on the Device Manager Icon on your Control Panel.

8 . Panel

Device Manager in windows 7 allows you to graphically view the hardware installed in your system, Update the Driver Software, Disable specific hardware, Scan for Hardware changes and view Properties for that Hardware as shown below.

Folder Options

The folder options in the control panel help you customize your folder settings. To access Folder Options, click Folder Options Icon. If the view is categorized, click Appearance and Personalization, then Folder Options.

Folder Options

Folder Options allows you to customize your Folder settings. It allows you to hide some folders that you don’t want others to see, you can choose to open folders with one click or double click and many other settings.

Program and features

Programs and Features allows you to view all software installed on your system. Also, by changing the view, you can see the location, version, installation date of another program. The main feature is that you can uninstall any unwanted programs on your system.

Program Features

Also, if you run into any problems installing a particular program, you can always access the feature, click on that program, and repair it.

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Well, I could go on talking about the different things you can do with the Control Panel but what I really want is for you to try it out for yourself now. If you run into any problems with any of the settings, I’m just a comment.. actually a closer comment. ????

Categories: How to

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