Get Facebook, Twitter and Instagram In One App on iPhone

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Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the default social networks for Millennials. You may use more than the other or prefer one for a particular type of media, but most of us use three different apps to browse these three social networks.

Hot Tip: If you’re looking to run multiple Facebook accounts on one device, check out this post on how to do it for iPhone and Android.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could get the best out of this trio of divine social networks in one app, wouldn’t it? Now you can.


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Hashtack is a free iPhone app that lets you browse photos from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in one endless scroll. You can even add your own stream by filtering posts by hashtags. This will filter posts (public) from all three social networks.

How to get started

First, you need to register an account with Hashtack. You can do that with your email or by connecting to Facebook or Twitter.

Once in, you can start connecting your social networks. If you sign in to the app with Facebook, that account is already linked. Hashtack uses iOS 7’s built-in sharing accounts to link to Facebook and Twitter, so make sure your main social media profiles are linked there.

The Instagram link is just a matter of logging in and giving Hashtack permission to access your Instagram account.

Once you’re all set up, you’ll start to see your feed populated.

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content consumption

When browsing photos and browsing only photos, Hashtack provides a superior experience for Facebook and Twitter when compared to native apps. Facebook’s mobile app has too many ads for my taste, and Twitter’s app isn’t customized to be an image feed.

You can tell a lot of the interactive elements and the user interface of Hashtack (right down to the button placement) is inspired by Instagram. But that’s just the appearance. Hashtack adds some handy features that will be useful for everyday Instagrammar. You can tap and hold to save the photo, pinch to zoom (finally) for a detailed view of that weird looking coffee cup shot and of course there is match to share it on any platform including Instagram (another thing you can’t do on Instagram).

Hashtack is still in its infancy, and support for viewing detailed likes, comments (and leaving comments) for Twitter and Instagram is not yet available. However, you can do all of that for Facebook posts. I hope this functionality will be added shortly after the next update.

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Share content

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This application has a glued basically a branded share button for the app. You have options to share any photo from any social network to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and email. Selecting any option brings up iOS 7’s built-in sharing popup.

Create a custom Hashtag stream

In addition to providing you with a composite photo feed, Hashtack will allow you to create your own (public) stream of posts organized by hashtags. That is the meaning of hash function in Hashtack.

To do so, simply bring up the sidebar from the left, tap Create stream and enter any hashtag text you want (without the “#”), tap save stream and you’re done.

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Your new stream will be accessible by swiping right from the Hashtack home screen.

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Your stream

What does your custom stream in Hashtack look like? Let us know in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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