Force HTML5 Videos Instead of Flash in Chrome and Firefox

It’s no secret that Steve Jobs hated Flash; he is solely responsible for its downfall. His reasons, all valid, can be read in this excellent essay. On the web, yes, Flash is lost. HTML, CSS, JavaScript won. The web is no longer filled with ugly and slow Flash-based websites. The web is so much more beautiful than before.

Shameless Plug-in: Check out our new Ultimate Guide and eBooks section. That’s what we call “beautiful information”. And not a single line of Flash code was used to create it.

Flash is still popular when it comes to video. While user interface languages ​​are poised to take over the interactive elements of websites, HTML and video playback are not yet best friends.

5865032805 84D3B0D7A9 ZHTML5 cup by slavik_V on Flickr. Link to original image.

It’s much better now, with the HTML5 specification matured and browser support stable. What I am getting is that while many websites still prefer to compress Flash videos down to internet cable, they really don’t need to do so. And while YouTube is moving a lot of its videos to HTML5 format, it’s clear we’re not done yet.

In this tutorial, we will focus on how to force HTML5 videos on sites like YouTube and Vimeo (the more the better).

Why do you want to do this?

We know Flash is generally bad, but why would you want to switch from Flash video to HTML5?

  • HTML5 videos are less resource intensive. They upload faster.
  • They take almost no power to run, which means your laptop battery will last longer.
  • For me and I have no scientific way to prove this, HTML5 videos look sharper played at 720p on my Retina MacBook Pro.
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And of course, there are downsides as well. For the most part, HTML5 video doesn’t support 1080p resolution. If you are addicted to full HD playback, this solution may not be for you. Again, in my opinion the HTML5 720p playback is really good.

YouTube has its own HTML5 video page: YouTube’s HTML5 video page only says that whenever possible, it loads HTML5 videos, but doesn’t provide details about which videos.

Chrome Extensions

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HTML5ify will intercept Flash content wherever possible and replace it with HTML5. Besides YouTube, it will also force HTML5 players in Vimeo (if you’ve watched more than a few videos on Vimeo, you know the built-in player is unnecessarily complicated).

HTML5 Videos for YouTube

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HTML5 Video for YouTube does pretty much the same thing as HTML5ify, except it adds a UI strip below each video. HTML5 support for high definition video is still complicated. So you may have to go with 720p resolution. The drop-down menu below the video player gives you options to choose the quality.

Firefox Add-ons


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YouTube ALL HTML5 adds a button to convert the current video to HTML5 format.

HTML5 videos on YouTube

YouTube HTML5 Video is a simple add-on that inserts “&html5=1” at the end of each YouTube URL that forces the video to load in HTML5. If you trust HTML5 videos 100% and don’t want to click a button every time, use this add-on to basically automate the process.

YouTube HTML5 Player

YouTube HTML5 Player is like YouTube ALL HTML5. It shows you a button that, when pressed, switches from a Flash video to HTML5.

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Flash Or HTML5?

Now it’s your turn. Flash or HTML5 – what is your preferred online video playback format? Let us know in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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