Followchain: Tips, Tricks, and Good Practices.

To use Followchain effectively, you need to follow our tips and tricks. They are designed to increase the re-follow rate of people you already follow from our community.

What is a tracking chain?

If you’re new to how Followchain works, it’s a dedicated community of followers for Instagram. Followchain simplifies Instagram development and connectivity.


This article walks you through Followchain tips and tricks, along with some good practices you can use to maximize its potential.

By the end of the article, you should become a professional Followchain, act immediately and increase your follower count using our follow-to-follow community.

Context: Method follow for follow

To get started, you need to know that Followchain reinforces a method known as the follow for follow method.

Basically, the follow-to-follow method is the act of following as many users as possible (preferably in your niche) with the aim of following back.

However, the follow for follow strategy is no longer as effective as it once was. This is because users are increasingly wary of spam/bots.

Usually, if you follow a random group of users, they will consider you spam and don’t follow back because in most cases you won’t interact with them at all.

Instagram also temporarily blocks users who ‘abuse’ the latter feature, and its algorithm is extremely sensitive when it comes to this feature, so you’ll have to be careful with this.

This is where Followchain comes into play.

Followchain bridges the gap between ‘spam’ followers and ‘real followers’.

How does Followchain work?

Followchain works in three simple steps.

  1. Share your Instagram username on the website.
  2. Follow the users you care about on Instagram.
  3. Directly message them that you are from Followchain to follow back.

That’s it!

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How do I use it effectively?

To use Followchain effectively, you can follow the tips and tricks below.

There are many tracking communities to follow on the web, each of which follows the same set of rules.

However, the best ones are the ones who really interact continuously and don’t let you down for the entire duration of their follow-up. Our website, is one of them.

You can find a full list of those groups here.

After you go through the list and understand how it works, here are some tips and tricks you can use to speed up your Instagram growth using our community and methods. track to track:

Tip #1: Direct Message First

Most users are too lazy, reluctant or indifferent to initiate DMs (direct messages) to others.

Now, in Followchain, (instead of waiting for others to find you), you often want to take the first step.

Be the first to follow users who have shared their Instagram accounts. Then send them a direct message that you are from Followchain to follow back.

If you are the initiator, the number of users following you back will increase a lot!

Tip #2: Join, join, and participate.

Once you’re part of our community, be sure to regularly engage with other people’s posts (immediately after following), as I’m sure you’d like others to do the same.

A great way to do this is whenever you follow someone from Followchain, like 3 or more of their most recent posts at once. That way, you won’t be seen as a ‘ghost’ follower like most people are, and they’re more likely to follow you back.

Tip #3: Always respond.

Re-follow everyone in the Followchain who follows you. Similarly, whenever you get a like or comment on one of your posts – try to reciprocate and do the same with other users. Reply to any comments and direct messages that come your way.

This shows that you really care about the community.

Tip #4: Tweak your post description

Whenever you share your Instagram username on Followchain, be sure to write a short description of yourself or the content you post. This is your chance to express yourself or inform users about the content you post. Some users like to follow others in their same niche, so the description serves as a key differentiator.

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Here’s a curated list of some phrases (with definitions) that you can add to your description to increase your chances of being followed:

active account – This says that you are active on Instagram and will regularly participate in other people’s posts. This is the exact opposite of ghost followers.

I will follow – If you have this phrase in your description, you are indicating that you will follow back users who follow you. Although tracking back is a standard in Followchain, some users still despise it. Adding this phrase serves as a confirmation that you’re welcome to follow back.

message me – Adding this phrase lets others know that you want them to directly message you about the respective community (in this case, Followchain) where they found you before you can follow them. This bridges the gap between your followers from the community of followers to follow versus spam followers, which is useful for differentiating.

F4F/LFL – F4F means follow while L4L means like. Adding F4F/L4L to the description is a great way to show users that you’re actively engaged with them.

Adding these phrases/terms to your description (whenever you share your Instagram username) will definitely increase your chances of being followed in the Followchain by other users. This is because it adds both personality and credibility to yourself. It is also a great attention grabber.

Tip #5: Make your account private

If your account is private, you can unset it if you want to join our community. This is because direct messaging is hidden from users who have not followed you.

This makes it difficult for someone to directly message your account or like any of your posts to signify that they are from Followchain.

Although the direct messaging feature is still accessible from three dot dropdown list in personal accounts, many users do not know about this. So it’s best to leave your account private if you want more conversions.

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To use the follow for follow method effectively in Followchain, you will have to follow the above tips accordingly.

You should never follow a random group of users because the odds of them following you back are extremely low, especially if you don’t ‘break the ice’ with them.

Follow-to-follow communities like Followchain act as a middleman to bridge the gap between ‘spam’ followers and ‘real followers’, which is why they work.

Use an analogy – you’ll have to give your Instagram account to someone before they can find and follow you.

Similarly, joining a follow-to-follow community allows you to do that – but online, not in person.


An important factor to keep in mind is that you must be patient when applying the follow for follow method. Increasing your followers and engagement rates is not an easy task. It takes a lot of patience and honing, especially if you’re just starting out.

Be very careful when it comes to your user following and direct messaging rates. Use these features sparingly to minimize being temporarily blocked by Instagram.

If you follow these tips consistently and use it consistently over the next few months, your follower and engagement rates will skyrocket exponentially.

Author: Lim How Wei. Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain, a community that simplifies development and networking for Instagram users. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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