Does Skull and Bones have co-op? Multiplayer explained

If you’re wondering whether Skull and Bones has co-op or multiplayer functionality, we’ve got the answers here.

This new pirate adventure from Ubisoft has been in the works for a long time, but it finally seems to be setting sail soon, with a beta on the horizon. But will you be able to play the game in co-op when it launches on February 16th? Keep reading to find out.

Does Skull and Bones have co-op?

Co-op confirmation in Skull and Bones.Click to enlarge

Yes, Skull and Bones can be played in co-op. The game has 3-player co-op so you’ll be able to team up with other pirates.

In fact, the game encourages you to do so. The tasks you’ll be completing within Skull and Bones are easier if you’ve got multiple players taking them on at the same time. Harder tasks will also give you more rewards.

So it stands to reason that playing in co-op will be the optimal way to play Skull and Bones, though you can play it solo if you prefer. 

Can you fight other people in Skull and Bones?

A ship in a fight in Skull and Bones.Click to enlarge

If you’re looking to do a bit of naval combat with other players, we have good news. Skull and Bones has a PVP multiplayer component where players fight each other to claim valuable treasure.

You might have to fight pirates who try to steal your loot, or you might be the one doing the looting. It remains to be seen how fleshed-out the PVP in the game is, but it’s definitely going to be a major part of the experience.

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The game takes place in a shared open world where other players can interact with you, much like Sea of Thieves, though the emphasis is more on ship combat rather than boarding enemies and fighting them in person.

For more Skull and Bones, check out our homepage. Or take a look at the minimum and recommended system requirements here if you’re not sure whether you can run the game on PC.

Categories: Gaming

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