Discover some of the Controversies of Mohammed Bin Salman

Mohammed Bin Salman is Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince. Mohammed bin Salman’s net worth is $5 billion. He is the seventh son of King Salman bin Abdulaziz and is regarded as Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler. He is also known as “MBS,” and has previously served as Saudi Arabia’s deputy prime minister and minister of defense.

Following King Abdullah’s death in January 2015, his father, King Salman, took over as King of Saudi Arabia and Prime Minister. At the same time, Mohammed bin Salman became Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince. MBS became Saudi Arabia’s First Deputy Prime Minister in June 2017.

What are some of the controversies surrounding Mohammed Bin Salman?

Mohammed bin Salman assembled hundreds of incredibly affluent and powerful men at Riyadh’s Ritz Carlton in November 2017. Many of the inmates were princes and direct descendants of Mohammed. One of the inmates was bin Salman’s cousin, Prince Al-Waleed, a millionaire investor. The captives, who were reportedly beaten throughout their three-month confinement, were not released unless they turned over huge sums of personal fortune. T

hey gave up their land, cash, and company stakes. Prince Al-Waleed allegedly gave his cousin $6 billion worth of assets. Saudi authorities later claimed to have retrieved assets worth $107 billion. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. The net worth of Mohammed bin Salman is $5 billion.

He is King Salman bin Abdulaziz’s seventh son and widely considered as Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler. He is also referred to as “MBS,” and has previously served as Saudi Arabia’s deputy prime minister and defense minister.

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Following King Abdullah’s death in January 2015, his father, King Salman, succeeded him as King of Saudi Arabia and Prime Minister. At the same time, Mohammed bin Salman took over as Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. MBS became Saudi Arabia’s first Deputy Prime Minister in June 2017.

Meanwhile, Many international observers have criticized bin Salman’s tough tactics, however some have hailed them as a reform strategy designed to bring the royal family and their links under the rule of law and curb corruption.

In general, bin Salman has been described as a nationalistic leader who takes a conservative approach to politics while remaining more liberal on economic and social problems. He presented Vision 2030, a strategic vision plan aimed at diversifying and privatizing Saudi Arabia’s economy.

Bin Salman aims to transition away from relying solely on oil as the primary economic driver and instead seek investment in biotechnology, renewable energy, robotics, and advanced manufacturing. One of the key ways he has accomplished this is by establishing Neom, a $500 billion economic zone spanning 26,000 square kilometers along the coast of the Red Sea.


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