Control Sync, Notifications for Emails on Windows 8 Mail

Mail app icon1


multiple email accounts

no stranger these days. Not all of them are important, but you still need to check them from time to time and process incoming messages. The phrase to note here is ‘now and then.’ True, not always. Maybe just the main account all the time, but no, not all email accounts all the time.

This is why it’s so important to control notifications and sync email, especially when all those accounts are connected to a single device like a smartphone (also a good way to save data packages). We talked about doing that on Windows Phone 8. Today, we’re about to use the Mail app on Windows 8.

See also: You may also want to learn how to rename an email account associated with the Mail app. It makes identifying accounts easy. That is, if you have multiple accounts associated with it.

Here is the process:

Step 1: To get started, launch the Windows 8 Mail app by going to the Start Screen.

Start Screen Mail Application

If not, you can bring up the application search screen via Windows key + W and find it.

Search mail app E1359387955334

Step 2: Once in, you will see a list of your accounts in the left pane. Tap and hover on the right edge of the screen to reveal the Charms Bar. Tap the icon for Setting.

Charm bar settings

Step 3: That will give a Setting upper right part of the screen. Select Account.

Mail app account settings

Step 4: From the list of accounts you have selected the account you want to rename. In my case it was Opinion.

List of mail accounts

Step 5: The first thing is to decide if you want this account to sync email with the Mail app. If yes, make sure that the check box Email below Content to sync checked. To turn off sync, uncheck the account.

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Mail app email sync

Step 6: Then determine download frequency and timeline by setting a value for Download new email And Download emails from part. Below are the available options.

Set download options

Step 7: Switch to Notification, Scroll further down to find the settings option. If you want to receive notifications for the account in question, turn the switch to Show email notifications for this account.

email notifications

With that, when a new message arrives and is downloaded to the app (according to your download frequency), you will be notified of the incoming message on your screen.

Desktop email notifications

Cool Tip: If you use MS Outlook as your desktop email client, you might want to learn how to enable/disable desktop email notifications.


I’m sure you’ll set up at least a few parameters on one or more of your accounts. Obviously you don’t want desktop notifications for all your accounts. Besides, not all accounts are prioritized to download emails as soon as they arrive.

This can also be a measure to save your internet bandwidth from being cramped or overloaded with constant activity. One arrow hits two birds, right?

Categories: How to

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