Best Agents in Episode 7 Act 1

You’ll want to check out our VALORANT Agent tier list, if you need to find the best characters in the game as of patch 7.03 during Episode 7 Act 1. 

Mastering VALORANT is all about learning the meta, as it dictates which Agents are considered the most worthwhile and powerful. If you know this, you’ll have a much easier time playing the game and rising through the ranks. 

So, check out our EPisode 7 Act 1 VALORANT agent tier list.

VALORANT Agent tier list (patch 7.03 Episode 7 Act 1)

If you’re looking to just get straight to the point, then we’ve got our complete VALORANT Agent tier list below for you to look over:

SJett, Fade, Sova, and Omen
AReyna, KAY/O, Skye, Harbour, Sage, Chamber, and Brimstone
BRaze, Neon, Viper, Yoru, Breach, Cypher, Gekko, and Astra
CPhoenix and Killjoy

Who is the best agent in VALORANT?

an image of Jett in VALORANT, our top pick in the VALORANT agent tier listClick to enlarge

At the top of the S-tier list, and our pick for the best agent in VALORANT is Jett, as she is a key Duelist for both offence and defence, making her a powerful pick.

She’s yoyo’d up and down the rankings since release and has been considered the best VALORANT agent at multiple times in the game’s history.

Her ability to pick up free kills and dip is massive for weakening the enemy team, her mobility is still unmatched, and her ultimate is a great tool for fragging and fighting fully bought enemies on anti-eco rounds. 

  • Check out our coverage of VALORANT Premier if you want to make a team to compete together with your friends

S-Tier VALORANT Agents

Kicking off our VALORANT character tier list, these Agents situated in the S-Tier are, as you’d expect, the most optimal to play at the moment. Each of these Agents are at the top of their game and are ideal characters for playing in every possible scenario.

Right now, there’s not a single instance where you wouldn’t want one of these Agents on your team, whether as a teammate or the character you’re playing yourself.


an image of Fade in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Fade has successfully stolen Sova’s spot as the top information Initiator as of patch 7.03. Her Haunt matches the role of Sova’s Recon Dart, and with the nerfs to Sova’s kit she has taken over as the go-to Initiator.

Her prowlers and ultimate are insanely good initiation tools, which are a great addition to any team composition, while she can also stop 5-man pushes to help her team rotate quickly.


an image of Sova in VALORANT, an A-tier pick on tier listClick to enlarge

Sova is a machine for gathering info, which can make or break a game with a fully communicative team.

His utility is really powerful in the right hands, letting you put out the same high damage as the various Duelists. Additionally, he’s one of the best clutch heroes right now, allowing him to save rounds with his kit. 


an image of Omen in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Omen is a great Controller due to the fact that his smokes are able to regenerate over the round. Alongside this, his smokes have an incredibly high range which allows him to conceal an area regardless of where he is on the map.

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His paranoia can be a great tool for himself and his team provided they coordinate utility successfully. Furthermore, his ultimate can have several uses for the team -whether it be for flanking, scouting out a site, or rotating – it gives him the flexibility that other Controllers lack.

A-Tier VALORANT Agents

While these Agents aren’t quite at the top in VALORANT’s current meta, they are without a doubt still great picks for your team. They are all able to handle themselves on their own very well – and are still excellent additions to the team overall.


an image of Reyna in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Reyna is a selfish Agent that can infuriate a team due to her ability to evade damage and sustain herself, all while picking off enemies and thinning out sites.

She does lack the utility that will explicitly benefit the team during pushes and site defence – but her ability to kill is just what you need in some games, making her one of the best Duelists and a strong pick in our VALORANT Agent tier list for patch 7.03. 


an image of KAY/O in VALORANTClick to enlarge

As an Agent that’s kit revolves around cancelling other abilities, KAY/O’s spot in the meta typically relies on the Agents around him.

He has information gathering via knife, his flashes that are incredibly easy to use, and a great ult that makes his kit strong in almost all situations. KAY/O is currently one of the go-to Initiators and is really simple to play.


an image of Skye in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Skye is a fantastic Initiator that provides a lot of utility to her team. Her guided flashes let her place them in spots that other Initiators can’t.

Her dog lets her gather information, clear out corners for her team, and potentially cripple any enemies nearby. She does require some good comms to be 100% effective, but she still shines even without that present. 


an image of Harbour in the VALORANT character selection screenClick to enlarge

Sitting firmly in the A tier of our VALORANT Agent tier for patch 7.03 list is Harbour, who has quickly become a strong pick due to his powerful abilities.

His bullet-proof smoke shield and AoE concussions are strong abilities for rushing a site and staking control before the enemies can root you out. 

Some recent buffs even saw his potential go up, making him a solid pick right now. He’s excellent at making space and making it difficult for enemies to engage with your team, and he’s key for any site push when on the field.


an image of Skye in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Sage, unlike other Sentinels, is able to block off choke points completely with her wall and slow orbs. This makes her role unique as one of the few heroes that can put an outright halt to any push.

Her healing and resurrection abilities are also fantastic utility which can easily turn a round just by sheer numbers. 


an image of Chamber in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Chamber was the go-to Sentinel for a while – and while his kit is still very powerful in a lot of situations, recent nerfs have seen his power level drop a bit.

His ability to make a pick and get out for free is rivals Jett, his trip is better than Cypher, and his ultimate is essentially a free overpowered Operator. Simply put, Chamber does the job of multiple Agents.


an image of Brimstone in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Brimstone is super easy to use for almost any player, which makes him a strong pick across the board. While his smokes are less powerful than Omen’s, they are powerful for pushing or delaying enemies.

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Plus, his ultimate and molly are super powerful post-plant abilities that make him one of the best heroes when the bomb has been deployed. 

B-Tier VALORANT Agents


an image of Raze in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Raze used to blast away the other Duelists with her fantastic utility and ability to clear enemies out of their hiding spots, but recent nerfs have seen her abilities lose that spark that made her so vital in a team comp.

She still has the high damage potential and zoning that people love her for, but it’s been lessened to the point that she’s no longer the top Duelist.


an image of Neon in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Neon’s sheer speed outpaces other Duelists and allows her to do things only she can do. She’s able to enter a site at blistering speeds and take space for her team. While not quite as lethal as Raze, she still does a great job in getting her team onto a site when paired up with an Initiator.

This does mean that she only performs best with someone who can assist her though, keeping her from the top of the current Duelist picks.


an image of Viper in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Viper as an Agent has a kit that really limits her to certain maps. However, when she does get her map, she is almost a must-pick. Her smoke wall makes maps like Icebox and Breeze far more playable for her team, as she’s able to dominate a far greater space than other Controllers.

Her ultimate basically forces every enemy out of the zone, which makes her great at controlling sites and or certain parts of the map that are key.


an image of Yoru in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Yoru struggles to find value as an Agent due to his gameplay revolving around tricking his enemies, but it’s worth noting he’s not a bad agent. 

His kit allows for sick outplays and therefore has an incredibly high skill ceiling. Without intricate knowledge of how to use Yoru effectively, he’s simply outshined by other Duelists who can create space for their team in a much easier fashion. 


an image of Breach in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Breach is a powerful Initiator for pushing out onto a site, but to make the most of this you will need a lot of coordination from teammates.

When done right, you can blind a whole site of enemies and pick them off without losing a blip of HP, but other heroes can get you this without the precise timing and communication needed for Breach.


an image of Cypher in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Cypher isn’t what he once was and has dropped off a lot since his days as the king of gaining intel, but in the right hands, he’s still very capable.

His abilities allow him to control an entire site on his own, locking it down for teammates to rotate, and because of how cheap they are you can consistently use them. Plus, his ultimate is one of the very best for gaining information and forcing enemies to go all-in or pull out.


a promotional image of Gekko in VALORANT next to one of his abilitiesClick to enlarge

One of the newest Agents currently is Gekko, who initially positioned himself as one of the most feared Agents in the game. However, a couple of nerfs as of patch 7.03 brought him back in line with the rest of the characters in the game, which sees him currently sit in B-tier. 

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His zoning and control abilities can be very powerful in the right hands, but they are no longer as easy to use as they once were.  


an image of Astra, a B-tier pick in our VALORANT agent tier listClick to enlarge

Astra has benefits that no other character has, such as global map presence and a tonne of varied utility abilities, but to pull this off you need a lot of skill (or experience with RTS/MOBA games).

She can be the best Controller in a game when played right, but her super high skill ceiling does her no favours, especially for the majority of the player base who won’t be able to utilise her properly.

C-Tier VALORANT Agents

Agents in the C-Tier are those which should be avoided from use due to the current meta. 


an image of Phoenix in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Phoenix recently received a bunch of buffs which enabled his aggressive playstyle, but he still falls short of the mark.

His quicker flashes let him catch enemies off guard and let him grab an easy pick, but better flashes just aren’t enough to make him as effective as the Duelists in S and A-tier which do his job much better.

The rest of his kit just isn’t quite as strong as the other Duelists, and he is further dampened by the fact that flashes can always be brought via Initiators, putting him firmly in C-tier for our patch 7.03 VALORANT agent tier list. 


an image of Killjoy in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Killjoy is one of the Sentinels who was hurt the most via the introduction of Chamber. This alongside the heavy presence of KAY/O makes her a bit more difficult to find use.

She can still be utilised in some cases and can thrive in certain situations, but she just isn’t the Agent you want to be picking at this moment in time, putting her firmly at the bottom of our VALORANT agent tier list.

Who is the best agent on every map?

an image of Omen in VALORANTClick to enlarge

Some agents are better suited for specific maps compared to others, with most agents having a particular map they can shine on, but it’s worth asking who makes for a good agent on every map.

While Jett is the obvious choice here as the best in our VALORANT agent tier list for Episode 7 Act 1, there are a few characters that are strong on all maps.

The S-tier characters like Omen and Sova are great on every map due to their universally applicable kits, while someone like Reyna is good on all maps due to her simple and kill-focused kit.

Finally, Cypher can lock down a site on every map in the game, making him one of the best agents on every map if you’ve mastered his difficult kit.

That’s all for our VALORANT Agent tier list for patch 7.03, and now you know which characters are the best picks in Episode 7 Act 1.

For more VALORANT guides, stick with TRAN HUNG DAO School.

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