Beginner’s RSS Guide & Why It is a Great Way to Consume Information

Web changes daily. New content is published almost every hour in some cases. Now you can bookmark your favorite websites and visit them daily, but that’s too much work. RSS simplifies the whole thing.

RSS stands for ‘Really Simple Disclosure’. It is also known as ‘Rich Site Summary’. More commonly, it is described as the news feed. What RSS does is basically described in words – ‘feed’. (This is Guiding Tech’s feed. Subscribe if you haven’t already)

RSS simple explanation

Feed icon

RSS gives you all the relevant content a website or blog publishes in the form of headlines, snippets, and stories… or a combination of all three. You need to subscribe to a website’s RSS feed to receive these updates. Do not worry; RSS subscriptions are as simple as one click (that’s why it’s called Really Simple Syndication). RSS feeds can be read and managed using software called an RSS reader, feed reader or aggregator, which can be online, on your desktop or on your mobile phone. Friend. For example, Google has a reader called Google Reader. Even a browser with a small add-on can be turned into a feed reader.

Simple two-step process to subscribe to a website’s feed

Subscribing to a feed is a very simple process:

Sites with prominent RSS buttons. It’s usually a big orange button or any other color for that matter. Some sites also give you a text link that simply says – Sign up.


Click the RSS button to set up your browser to subscribe to the feed using your preferred RSS reader.


Once you’ve subscribed to some feeds, you’ll start to see them flowing into your feed reader. RSS feed readers regularly check all subscribed feeds for new content and download them if available. Start reading.

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Uses of RSS and why it’s still a great way to use information

RSS feed reader and subscription allows you to follow multiple websites and blogs simultaneously. This is still the best way to use a lot of information without the hassle of going to each source separately. But did you know that RSS is also used in different ways. And you can also benefit from these alternative ways to keep track of constantly changing information.

  • You can use the feeds to follow your favorite shopping sites for the latest products and discounts.
  • You can use the feed to follow the latest topics and posts on the discussion board.
  • You can use the feed as a weather tracker if you’re always on the go.
  • You can use the feed to get notified about the best financial information… such as exchange rates or stock prices.
  • You can use the feed to stay updated on the latest developments in areas of particular interest to you.

I prefer to use RSS instead of email, because RSS takes up too much inbox space and also generates spam. Twitter and Facebook feeds are great too, but they can be a mix of what you really care about and what’s loud. RSS and feed readers give you the best of the digital world in a more focused way. If you’re setting yourself up for an information junkie, subscribing to relevant RSS feeds is the way to go.

Categories: How to

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