Add & Effectively Use Multiple Accounts on Twitter Mac App


When it comes to desktop clients for Twitter, there are people who swear


. There are also some other good customers. But for some reason, I could never like them. I always rely on a web-based client like



Twitter’s own online interface

that’s not bad either. That is until I try

Twitter’s Mac App

. I fell in love with it and since then haven’t bothered to look elsewhere for my tweeting needs.

Twitter’s Mac app has a lot of cool features, one of which is the ability to add multiple accounts. I use mine personal account and also manage Guide Tech Official Twitter Account, so adding both to the app is required. But there is more than that. You can actually easily switch between accounts and forward messages from one account to another, something that’s not available in other Twitter clients that boast this feature.

In this post, we will see how to effectively tweet from multiple Twitter accounts on Twitter’s very own Mac App. We go here.

More Twitter accounts

Step 1: I will start with the assumption that you have installed the Twitter App from the Mac App Store and are using it. Once you’re on the app, click Twitter on the dynamic menu bar at the top then click Interest.

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Step 2: Enter account and add a new Twitter account using the ‘+’ sign at the bottom. You will need to enter the username and password for the respective accounts.

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Finally, click Add Account and you’re done. As you can see in the image below, the new account will appear on the app. You can easily switch between them as needed.

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Quickly exchange Tweets/ReTweets between accounts

Let’s say I see a tweet on my Tech Tutorials stream that I want to share with my followers on my personal Twitter account. If I choose Retweet optionally, it will only allow me to forward that message to the Tutorial Technology stream, not to my personal stream.

So how do I share a tweet from one profile to another?

Here’s how – first you select Quote Tweet from the tweet you want to share.

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Then you need to click on the profile picture on that tweet.

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You will find that it will magically pop up all the added accounts. In this case, it’s my personal account showing. I just clicked on my picture to convert.

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That’s how Twitter’s Mac app makes sharing tweets easy between different profiles. Also, remember to use the different keyboard shortcuts: cmd+N for a new tweet, cmd+U to jump to the user profile, shift+cmd+N for a direct message, etc. much easier tweeting and messaging process.

If you have any similar Twitter tricks up your sleeve, be sure to share it via the comments.

Categories: How to

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