Add a Button For Run Dialog Box on Windows 7 Start Menu

Run Thumbnail E1348931903241Are you a Windows 7 user and someone who loves using the mouse more often than the keyboard? If yes, how do you launch the Run dialog when needed? One way is to launch the Start Menu, search for run and then click on the result that shows Run as an option. However, if you have used Windows XP then you would know that its Start Menu had a button to start Run dialog. And I am sure that was easier for you, right?

Here’s how to make that happen on Windows 7 as well.

Step 1: Right-click on the Start orb icon and choose to launch its Properties.

Start Menu Properties

Step 2: Ensure that you are on the Start Menu tab. Click on the Customize button there.

Customize Start Menu

Step 3: Scroll down till you find the option for Run command. Check the box against that and click on Ok.

Activate Run Command

Now click on the Start orb icon and you will be able to see a Run button on the bottom right of the Start Menu.

Start Menu Run Button

Ideally Windows key + R button is the fastest and most convenient way to bring up the Run dialog. But, if you are not comfortable with keyboard shortcuts, this option would reduce the effort.

Categories: How to

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