A Beginner’s Guide to Gmail Labels, Filters & Using Them Together

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We all sort things out in our daily lives to reduce work. That includes both offline and online things. If your wardrobe is neatly organized, with different racks holding different clothes, you will never waste time looking for those socks in the morning before going to work, right? The same is true for your email inbox.

Email is something that most of us use extensively on a daily basis. Back in the day, we had limited mailbox capacity with a handful of messages to deal with, unlike today, when the term email is synonymous with ‘pain in the neck’ for many people. Organization is key here, and that’s where Gmail’s labels and filters come into play. If you know how to use them effectively, your email troubles will be greatly reduced.

Today we will see how you can use Gmail filters along with labels to organize emails easily in Gmail. This is a beginner’s guide, so longtime Gmail users among you can skip this part.

What are Gmail labels and how to create them

For a better understanding, you can compare labels in Gmail with folders in your operating system. For example, we create folders like music, pictures, software, etc. to categorize certain types of files. Similarly, labels in Gmail can be used to categorize emails from different sources or based on their content.

To create a new label, expand the mailbox navigation sidebar and click the link Create a new label.

Create a new label

Give the label a name and click the create button. You can also create nested labels just like you create subfolders in your operating system for better organization.

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Instructional technology label

Now, whenever you want to manually move a message to a label, click the label or folder button at the top and select the label from the list.

Move to

Well, that’s how you can do the job manually, now let’s see how to create a filter to automatically move emails to labels.

Create filters in Gmail

Creating filters in Gmail is easy. Just go to Gmail settings on the top right and click on the filters tab. In the filter tab, click the link Create a new filter to begin.

Create filter

While creating a filter, Gmail will ask what type of messages you want to filter, such as from or two addresses, messages containing specific words, etc. For example, if you want to filter all Facebook notification emails, add the facebookmail.com domain to the from field.

To make sure the filter you created is targeting the correct message group, click test search button. You can now make some changes to the filter depending on the filter validation or test results.

Filter settings

Next, Gmail will ask what you want to do with the filtered messages. There are options like ignore inboxes, mark as read, start them, etc. To direct specific messages to a label, select Apply label and select a label from the drop-down list. You can also create a new label and nest it with existing labels to create a tree structure.

Advanced settings

That’s it, from this date onward, specific emails will be automatically filtered and will be moved to the desired label, so your Inbox will not be cluttered.

Now here’s an interesting idea! What about signing up for our daily email updates (you’ll find a link in our sidebar to your right) and then creating a filter as a Tech Guide. Not only will this exercise help you practice creating filters, but it will also keep you up to date with our latest tips and tricks.

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Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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