3 Power Tips For Using Images With Text On Pages for Mac

Image Text Page

One of the most interesting

Features of the Page

When using images on your document, text will automatically break lines when you move the image around or resize it, helping to work with image files that you’ve imported or simply Dropping it into your document is pretty easy.

However, you don’t have to deal with the default way that text wraps around your image. In fact, there are tons of ways you can customize how text and images work together in your Pages document to make it really stand out.

Let’s look at them.

1. Use Your Preferences

As mentioned above, while Pages offers a really cool feature that aligns text dynamically as you move an image, most of us don’t use the feature’s full potential. This.

To do that, select the image you want to work with on your Pages document and click Format in the toolbar (brush icon). Of the three tabs displayed, Arrange is the option that gives you the most options to customize the look of your text with your images.

Sort pages

For example, by default, this document wraps text both above and below the image.

Text page above and below

This can be easily changed by simply selecting another option from the drop-down menu below text pack. In this case, I selected ‘Around’, which wraps the entire text around the selected image.

Pages around the imageThe surrounding text page

Now let’s go a little further to make the overall look of the document nicer. For this you can use any of the available formatting options.

But for this tutorial, adjust the text-image spacing by changing the number just below the drop-down menu mentioned earlier. When we reduce this number, you will notice that the space between the text around the image and the image becomes smaller, making the document much easier to see.

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Better page spacing

2. Put on a mask

Now, if you double click on an image, the Page will show the Mask bar. This allows you to set the exact area you want your image to use on your document regardless of the size of the image. This is really useful if you have a large image and specify to use a specific part of it on your document.

Page mask bar

Once the Mask bar is displayed, clicking the icon on the right will allow you to mask the image using the slider as shown below.

Page mask size

Once the mask is done, you can click the leftmost icon to adjust the overall image size. Then just drag the image around until you get the exact position within the set mask.

Positioning the page maskLast mask page

3. Wrap It

This is a really cool technique that really shows how Pages can become an advanced word processor while at the same time remaining easy to use.

Let’s say you have a square image with a solid background, but you only want to use an image or shape without a background so that the image or shape blends perfectly with the text in your document.

Pages before wrapping

Normally, this would require you to know a little about Photoshop, but Pages eliminates this requirement altogether. You achieve this same effect by going to Image tab of the format panel and then click Instant Alpha button.

Alpha . Instant Page

You will then be prompted to choose the color you want to make transparent. After you select it, click Finished and the text in your document will magically surround the main image of the photo, completely disregarding its background and making your document look much clearer. Pretty neat, isn’t it?

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Page's Alpha TableAlpha wrapped text page

Yes, that’s about it. Now that you know how to handle text around images on your Pages documents much better, and you’ll be sure to create beautiful-looking documents from now on. Nothing!

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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