Why Do People Unfollow Me on Instagram?

Wondering why people unfollow you on Instagram?

Maybe it’s someone you haven’t seen in a while, someone you recently hooked up with, or just a random person you followed a while ago.

Either way, there’s always a reason people unfollow you on Instagram.

It can be quite frustrating or frustrating when someone unfollows you, especially if you don’t know why.

Therefore, this article contains a list of the top 10 reasons why people unfollow you on Instagram.

At the end of this article, you will be able to see why people unfollow you and what to do to stop it.

Let’s go straight to it.

  1. You do not participate in their posts
  2. You didn’t follow them back
  3. Posting too much
  4. unattractive feed
  5. They might be following/unfollowing
  6. You haven’t posted in a while
  7. They are no longer interested in your content
  8. Fake accounts and spam
  9. You posted something they don’t accept
  10. They have reached the following limit

1. You don’t interact with their posts

One of the most common reasons someone unfollows you on Instagram is because you didn’t engage with their posts.

This means that you absolutely do not like or comment on any of their posts.

If you don’t like your feed posts, people can unfollow you because you’re a ghost follower.

The most important metric on Instagram is your engagement rate.

People care a lot about their engagement rate. So if you don’t engage with someone’s posts at all, chances are they’ll unfollow you.

A non-participant is also called a ghost follower.

A ghost follower is like a selfish social media user who posts content in the hopes of others interacting with it, but they never actually interact again.

Imagine that you have a friend who posts content daily. You have consistently liked and commented on his or her posts.

However, they are never really interested in re-liking any of your posts.

This is why ghost followers are the most hated users on Instagram. Not only are they selfish, but they also lower your engagement rate.

As a general rule, liking people’s posts on your feed (or at least trying to like) is the norm on Instagram.

So the next time someone unfollows you on Instagram, it could be that you don’t engage with their posts.

However, if you regularly interact with their posts; engagement isn’t the reason they unfollow you ⁠— it’s another.

See more:  How to Fix Instagram Posts, Followers, Following Not Showing

Read on to know why.

2. You don’t follow them back

The second reason people unfollow you on Instagram could be because you don’t follow them back.

Especially if you know the user has been following you live; not following them back is an obvious reason why they unfollow you.

Likewise, this applies to someone you don’t know.

Not following someone back is considered rude on Instagram, especially if you know the user directly.

So the next time someone unfollows you because you didn’t follow them back, don’t be surprised.

3. Posting too much

Some people post too much cluttering your feed.

Imagine seeing three or more posts in a row from the same person on your feed.

Posting once per day is more than enough. Don’t post too much, it will be annoying.

Not only will this flood your feed, but it will also obscure the posts of other people you follow.

For example, if you have a close friend who posts something on the same day, you have to scroll down your feed to be able to see it.

As a result, you may miss the post and you may not like it.

If the description above is for you, please stop posting so much. One post per day is more than enough.

If you want to post a lot of photos, you should use the carousel feature.

Most people get annoyed with users who post too much on Instagram and will probably mute or unfollow you if you do.

4. Unappealing food

Another reason people might unfollow you on Instagram is that you have a less engaging or unorganized feed.

In addition, you may have mostly low-quality photos or videos.

If this is not you, then ignore the following reasons.

Let’s take a personal account as an example.

If you’ve been consistently posting content about photography and one day you decide to move it up and post a meme; your followers will get confused and eventually they may unfollow you.

On that account, if you’ve consistently posted content in a particular niche, don’t post other content unrelated to that segment!

This is because people often follow you because the content revolves around a single niche.

For example, if you post about fitness (e.g. workouts, conversions), people follow you for the fitness content, not the other.

Posting unrelated content will confuse your followers and you don’t want that.

Second, if you have an unattractive feed (e.g. random and inconsistent photos), people are less likely to continue to follow.

This is because it shows that you don’t care about the quality of the content you post.

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People are drawn to Instagram-worthy photos, not low-quality photos that you spent little or no effort taking.

5. They might be following/unfollowing

The follow/unfollow strategy is one of the most common strategies people use to increase their Instagram followers.

It works in three steps.

1. Start following people (preferably in the same field as you) in a list.

2. Wait (about 24 hours) and hope for a response.

3. Unfollow the user a few days after they follow you and hope that they won’t notice.

Please note that the follow/unfollow strategy is not the same as the follow to follow strategy.

The follow/unfollow strategy is meant to be one-way while you will unfollow your followers.

On the other hand, a follow-to-follow strategy means that whenever you follow someone, you have to keep following unless they unfollow or don’t follow you back.

This is why the follow for follow strategy is so much better than follow/unfollow.

6. You haven’t posted in a while

Haven’t posted in a while?

If you haven’t posted in a while (for example, a few months), people might think you’re no longer active on Instagram and unfollow you.

It’s important to post at least once a month to demonstrate that you’re still active on Instagram.

Otherwise, you must consistently like other people’s posts on your feed on your story posts.

This shows that you are not a ghost believer.

7. They are no longer interested in your content

If people are no longer interested in your content, they can unfollow you.

Let’s say you are running an Instagram account in the meme segment and you only post memes.

One of your followers may not be interested in the meme anymore and may unfollow you.

Usually this only happens if you are running a theme account instead of a personal account.

This is because personal accounts have a broader niche than topic accounts.

As a result, people are more likely to unfollow a topic account if they are no longer interested in your niche.

8. Fake and spam accounts

Fake and spam accounts are very prominent on Instagram.

These accounts are often mass created to sell on different websites and services.

In November 2018, Instagram wrote a blog post outlining the removal of dishonest activity on Instagram (e.g. fake followers, likes and comments).

So if your account contains fake followers, some of them will be deleted by Instagram.

Because of this, you may lose some followers.

Even if you don’t buy any followers, some accounts that follow you may not be authentic.

As a result, your follower count may decrease as Instagram has deleted these accounts.

9. You posted something they disagreed with

One of the common reasons people unfollow you can be because you posted something they disagreed with or shared different views on it.

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Try not to share any sensitive topics on Instagram.

Religion, politics and money are the three most sensitive topics on Instagram.

If you share conflicting beliefs about these topics, some people may be triggered and eventually block or unfollow you.

Therefore, you should try not to share your views or beliefs on these topics; especially if they hate.

10. They have reached the following limit

The final reason people unfollow you on Instagram is because they’ve reached their follow limit.

The following limit on Instagram is 7,500.

You cannot exceed the following limit.

Therefore, if someone reaches their tracking limit, they have to unfollow some users in order to follow more people again.

If you’re the ‘lucky one’, someone over their follow limit might accidentally unfollow you. So don’t take it to heart.

How to reduce followers

Here’s a rundown on how to reduce unfollowers.

Follow these tips to minimize people unfollowing you.

Instead of…Do this
Do not participate in any postsTry to like every post on your feed
Don’t followFollow people you know
Posting too muchPost up to once per day
Post low quality contentPost Instagram-worthy content
Haven’t posted in a whileProvide ongoing engagement and post at least once a month
Posting sensitive contentDo not share insensitive content (e.g. religion, politics, money)


And there you have it, the top 10 reasons why people unfollow you on Instagram.

Unfollowers can be rude or frustrating at times.

So, reviewing these reasons will help you understand why people unfollow, so you won’t be surprised if they do.

PS If you enjoyed this article, please join our follower community to follow on Instagram: https://www.followchain.org — it’s free!

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Author: Lim How Wei. Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain, a community that simplifies development and networking for Instagram users. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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