Two Women Have Accused Steven Tallarico of Sexually Assaulting Them As Minors

Last week, a woman named Jeanne Bellino filed a case in New York Supreme Court, saying that Aerosmith’s lead singer, Steven Tyler, sexually assaulted her in the 1970s, when she was 17 and he was 27.

It’s the second such action filed against Tyler in the last year: Julia Misley (previously Holcomb) sued Tyler in December 2022, alleging sexual assault, sexual battery, and deliberate infliction of emotional distress on a minor. She claims that in 1973, when she was 16 and he was 26, Tyler began a relationship with her, going so far as to become her guardian so she could travel with him without drawing the attention of law police. While Tyler has rejected Misley’s charges, his memoir appears to substantiate her narrative. The Cut has reached out to Tyler’s agents for comment, and we will provide an update if we hear back.

What were the Steven Tallarico of Sexually Assaults about?

Steven Tallarico allegedly raped Bellino in a phone booth when she was 17 years old.

In a lawsuit filed on November 2, Bellino claims she first met Tyler in 1975, when she was an adolescent model in Manhattan. According to the BBC, she met Aerosmith after a fashion presentation and walked with the band and their entourage to an after-party at the Warwick Hotel. Tyler allegedly assaulted Bellino en route after she made a remark about a song line and he became “visibly irritated.

Bellino claims he grabbed her hand and dragged her into a phone booth, where he “stuck his tongue down her throat and put his hands upon her body, her breasts, buttocks, and genitals, moving and removing clothing and pinning her against the phone booth’s wall.”

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According to Rolling Stone, the suit goes on to say:

“As Tyler was mauling and groping Plaintiff, he was humping her pretending to have sex with Plaintiff. Others stood by outside the phone booth laughing and as passersby watched and witnessed, nobody in the entourage intervened”

When the party arrived at the hotel, Bellino claims Tyler again forced himself on her, this time pushing her against a wall, violently kissing her, and attempting to get her to share a hotel room with him. When Tyler arrived upstairs, a hotel clerk informed Bellino that he was waiting for her in his room. She claims she shook her head and refused to go up, instead fleeing the hotel.

According to the lawsuit, Bellino was hospitalized and medicated as a result of the claimed assaults, and she now needs medication “to cope with the sexual assault” and its long-term repercussions on her.

In addition, the complaint states that Bellino “has suffered and will continue to suffer, great pain of mind and body, severe and permanent emotional distress, physical manifestations of emotional distress, embarrassment, humiliation, physical, personal & psychological injuries.”

Tyler had already been charged with attacking another adolescent in the 1970s.

Bellino’s claim comes nearly a year after Misley sued the singer under California’s 2019 Child Victims Act for sexual abuse during the same period. The statute of limitations on sex offenses against minors was temporarily waived, allowing survivors of childhood abuse to come forward. Misley submitted her lawsuit in December 2022, just before the act’s lookback window closed, stating that the musician initiated a relationship with her when she was 16, in 1973.

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Tyler, Misley alleges, convinced her mother to give him guardianship over her after she confided in him about her terrible home life. According to the petition, this allowed Tyler to “travel with, assault, and provide alcohol and drugs” to her while she was “powerless” against his “power, fame, and substantial financial ability.”

According to the lawsuit, he eventually “coerced and persuaded [her] into believing this was a ‘romantic love affair.’” Tyler is also accused in Misley’s complaint of forcing her to have an abortion when she fell pregnant with his child at the age of 17. Misley returned home after the abortion and later became a devoted Christian anti-abortion activist.

Misley stated in her complaint to Newsweek that she always intended to move on with her life without mentioning Tyler. She has given interviews to far-right outlets and spoken about her experience at anti-abortion rallies, according to Rolling Stone, although she did not initially name Tyler in the suit. Nonetheless, his name was revealed because her lawyers mainly relied on his 2011 memoir.

Tyler wrote about the relationship in it, recounting how, at the age of 26, he almost “took a teen bride.” According to him, the girl’s parents “fell in love with me, signed a paper over for me to have custody, so I wouldn’t get arrested if I took her out of state.” He also openly noted her youth, writing, “she was 16, she knew how to nasty, and there wasn’t a hair on it.”

Despite not naming Misley in the chapters, Tyler addressed her in the book’s acknowledgments, which her attorneys claim “imposed involuntary infamy” on Misley. (She also appears as Julia Holcomb in a Rolling Stone profile of Aerosmith in 1976, when she is portrayed as Tyler’s then-partner.) Tyler, according to his lawyers, depicted an alleged assault “as a romantic, loving relationship.”

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Tyler has refuted Misley’s allegations, claiming that the relationship was mutual.

Tyler refuted Misley’s claims, and while he admitted the two had sex, he argued it was consensual. Tyler requested a judge in April to strike the parts of Misley’s suit that addressed his book, claiming that what he wrote was protected free speech. According to Vulture, one of Misley’s attorneys, Jeff Anderson, previously termed Tyler’s denial “astonishing, galling, and arrogant.” He hasn’t reacted to Bellino’s allegation yet.


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