Travis Snyder Net Worth: How Much Is Travis Snyder Worth?

Travis Snyder Net Worth: How Much Is Travis Snyder Worth?: Travis Snyder, an entrepreneur best known for founding ‘The Color Run’ has passed away.

The Color Run is a 5-kilometer untimed race. At each kilometer mark, participants are doused in colored powder.

What Is Travis Snyder Net Worth?

Apart from being known as the founder of ‘The Color Run’, there’s no information regarding his occupation. For this reason, we do not know Travis Snyder’s income and for that matter his net worth.

Travis Snyder, also known as Travis Lyman Snyder died following a long battle with acute myeloid leukemia, diagnosed in 2015.

On Sunday, December 3, 2023, Snyder’s death was announced after a message he wrote before he died was shared via his Instagram page.

“Well, a long-term illness at least gives time to consider what I would want included in this dang thing,” he wrote in a photo carousel.

“Rather than it be empty or have some statements about how I died, a few life details, and some accolades. I’d rather have something written from my heart”

“Please don’t say I ‘lost my fight with cancer,’ I lived and battled and was blessed with eight years of life after a devastating diagnosis. At one of my more difficult moments, I told my friend I was sorry they had to see me. Her reply was quick and direct, ‘All I’ve ever seen when I look at you is a warrior.’ That is how I’d like to be remembered”

“Life was never easy for me. I feel things deeply and at times am overwhelmed by it all. I also felt thoroughly the many Highs of the beautiful moments. So many of these have been found with my three sons. They bring a brightness to my life that consumes me and my love, my equal partner, Heidi”

“So much of life makes no sense. The amount of suffering out in the world can just be too much. I felt it and see it all around me. The only thing that I have ever come to is that we suffer to soften us, to care more, love more, and try to lift each other up. The bonds of relationships are the only things that will endure beyond this life”

“As far as career and work, I am thankful to have found something to create and give me purpose. Many times in my youth, I felt lost, not knowing my path. In the end, I was fortunate to fulfill my dreams and travel the world while hopefully generating some goodness along the way”

“In the course of it all, I’ve connected with amazing people who have enriched me completely. To each of you reading I say thank you. Relationships are very healing for me”

The Color Run founder also encouraged readers to sign up for bone marrow registries, something for which he’s advocated in the past.

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Travis Lyman Snyder is survived by his wife, Heidi, and their three sons, Hank, Miles, and Luke.


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