Top 10 Reasons for Prioritizing Social Media for Your Small Business

Most small business owners agree that social media marketing should be prioritized. The most important reason is lack of time. There are so many other things that have to come first. Many people barely get through their daily tasks, so social media marketing obviously slips by the wayside. To make matters worse, social media marketing is frequently the last thing on most people’s minds.

What are the top ten reasons for Prioritizing Social Media for Your Small Business?

1. The Price of Social Media

To begin with, social media marketing is the most cost-effective marketing alternative available. All of the main platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, Snapchat, and Yelp, are completely free to use in their natural state. Create an account, participate, and explore the sites to your heart’s pleasure. There is no cost to get started.

Paid promotions, like as advertising and boosted posts, are also relatively inexpensive and deliver one of the best ROIs (return on investment). Real-time analytics are available, and you can alter your budget at any time. Start and stop whenever you want or need to. You have complete command.

According to a Lyfe Marketing post comparing traditional media vs. social media marketing, social media is the only medium where you can reach 1000 people for less than $3. The most important investment, of course, is time.

2. Social Media Reach

According to, by 2020, approximately 2.95 billion individuals will be using social media. In 2016, more than 78% of Americans had at least one social media profile. Do I need to say more?

3. Social Media Integration

The social aspect of social media marketing is my favorite. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines sociable as “tending to form cooperative and interdependent relationships with others.” Every social media endeavor provides an opportunity to establish a true connection with your customer or client.

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Traditional marketing can come across as detached and one-sided. It’s often difficult to tell if anyone is even paying attention. Merriam-Webster’s Twitter account, by the way, is one of my favorite examples of how to engage with your audience.

4. Be Timely with Social Media

You can now contact your target audience. Specifically, right now. There is always a production lag time between content generation and publication in traditional media. Consider newspapers, magazines, radio, and television. There is a minimum of 24 – 48 hours (and occasionally weeks) between development and finished output before your material is live.

This could be costing your company significant marketing time in a digital environment where news travels faster than Usain Bolt or Ryan Hall. By the way, if you want to see how quickly those guys run, take a look at this video.

5. Social Media is Flexible

Social media marketing is not only timely, but it is also incredibly adaptable. You can manage your social media profiles from virtually anywhere, at any time, and on almost any device. Editing is simple: delete a post when necessary, correct a typo, and alter your approach hourly, daily, or monthly. When and where you need it, social media marketing may help.

6. Validity of Social Media

Before making a purchase, customers are looking to their peers more than ever. According to Forbes magazine, “people have grown to distrust brands, especially large corporations, and instead look to peer reviews and peer actions above any other means of justification.” That’s quite potent.

Surprisingly, when it comes to affirmation, you don’t always have to lift a finger. A pleased customer, for example, will leave a positive review or comment, a close friend of that customer will read their post, and a new relationship is formed just because they are friends. The trick, of course, is to maintain active social media accounts.

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7.  Customer Service on Social Media

Social media provides a one-of-a-kind chance for real-time client support. And, yes, that is a good thing, even if you want to hide under a rock if you have a dissatisfied customer. J.D. Power reports that 67% of consumers have used a company’s social media platform for customer assistance. This suggests that 67% of buyers anticipate a reaction on social media.

The advantage is that this is a good opportunity to publicly demonstrate your excellent customer service skills, which will impress potential consumers. Even if you have an angry customer, this is the time to demonstrate how you solve problems, listen to your customers, and make amends.

Consumers, for the most part, are understanding. They know that things do not always go as planned. They are, nevertheless, interested in how you perform under pressure. If you can handle it and keep clients satisfied even in stressful situations, you might just have won their love… and buy.

8.  Web Traffic through Social Media

Engage! So far, that has been the focus, but social media marketing serves another important purpose: increasing visitors to your website. While there are ways to use social media channels for direct sales, the ultimate conversion is to lead a consumer to your website from your social media profiles and then convert that buyer into a sale.

9. Promotions on Social Media

Because social media is adaptable and timely, it lends itself to highly successful marketing. Social media has something for everyone, from discount offers to sales events to sweepstakes. I like Facebook advertisements because the brand has complete control over the performance and audience. With a little imagination, you can set your brand on fire.

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10. Hiring with Social Media

Are you spending money on employment advertisements? This paragraph is dedicated to you. LinkedIn and Facebook, in example, feature a variety of interesting career tools. What’s the best part? They’re completely free! Make use of your social media networks to disseminate the news about employment openings.

You’ll most likely be reaching an already dedicated and engaged audience. While not a perfect screening tool (you should still interview people and conduct background checks! ), you will have more control over who sees and applies for job positions within your company.

I hope you enjoyed reading. Also, you can click here to read about the most prioritized social media sites in 2023.


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