Studies: Does The Death Penalty Deter Crime?

For many years, the world has been watching the rise of criminal activity. It comes in several forms, but the scariest ones are the severe cases. Capital punishment for such a case can be up to the death penalty. People consider this an effective method because homicide rates have increased in all countries. Recently, experts have begun to examine statistics on whether such consequences affect the decision not to become murderers. The topic is up-to-date and needs to be addressed.

What Is a Death Sentence?

Simply put, it is the legally authorized deprivation of a person’s life as punishment. This form is usually applied for a serious criminal offense. It is a hot topic of discussion these days.

The problem has reached such a scale that documentaries are being made about it and scientific papers are being written. Directors worldwide have found inspiration to create creative films that feature the death penalty for criminals and sometimes even innocent people. The reflection of the question also exists in journalism. Many students and professors express arguments for and against death penalty in essays and various articles. Everyone can read examples of essays and learn the point of view of professors of pedagogical, psychological, and sociological faculties. 

After examining the studies, we see that the number of states that allow this kind of punishment is less than half of the total number of countries in the world. But only 30% of the global population lives in places where there is no such threat. The executions improve the homicide rate. The largest number, about 90% of all cases, occurs in countries such as Iran, Iraq, China, Pakistan, the United States, and Sudan. 

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According to statistical methods used in the research, there are approximately 20,000 convicts on death row worldwide. Human rights organizations note that it is of particular concern that such a tough decision is increasingly being used to punish non-violent offenses like: 

  • Homosexuality in Saudi Arabia,
  • Drug trafficking in Southeast Africa,
  • Adultery in Nigeria and Sudan,
  • Corruption in China.

If you read the free death penalty essay example, trace the evidence that similar punishment deters and affects people’s decisions to do stupid things. 

Impact of The Death Judgment On Society

As practice shows, such a topic has divided the population into two camps. Some believe that death sentences are necessary to prevent cases from happening again. This view is often in capital punishment reports and essay examples from SupremeStudy that are considered relevant. It is a variant of a person’s deterrence from doing any kind of bad thing. Other men think it’s a terrible punishment. This category of the population is fighting for human rights and trying to eradicate such laws from the existing ones.

The point is that each side is entitled to an opinion. Every decision is correct. It’s hard to judge right from a humanistic standpoint here. The punishment is taken in the case of a serious crime. Accordingly, a person has committed such an act for which he must be punished. This is fairness. Looking at the other side of the coin, you can’t take a human life. Therefore, such an action has a particular impact on society. They are afraid of it, and at the same time, they do not know how to act otherwise when this measure is necessary. 

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Pros And Cons Of The Punishment

Before taking sides, consider the arguments. They work wonders, and you will make an informed decision if you get all the facts right. You have to see each piece of evidence and look at it compared to the contradiction. So let’s get started.


As many experts write, after the appointment and execution of such decisions, the committing murder rate decreased significantly. It shows that the deterrent works. Of course, many humanistic countries, especially European ones, are against it. But they don’t have high mortality indicators in this way. Since ancient times, the solution to the problem was the only one. It helped to take revenge and restore justice.

In either case, the true purpose of punishment is to protect society and its individuals. Defense from particularly dangerous criminals is accomplished in two ways: by their complete isolation or deprivation of life. Both of them exclude the correction of the convicted person. Would it be possible to rehabilitate a man in a cruel, inhuman, criminal environment? It’s hard to answer that.


Of course, some are against such actions. Several men are prisoners themselves. The fact is that the individuals who ended up there didn’t commit offenses that seriously. They are entitled to redemption. Instead, they could get up to capital punishment. Where is fairness?

Some believe that deterrence in the execution form does not affect the evildoers in any way. If they are prone to violence, they will continue to do so. It’s true that the death penalty deters crime. But this is not a solution to the problem. Such a law breeds violence. That is, one can see murder for murder. 

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Does The Death Penalty As a Punishment Deter People From Committing Crimes?

Indeed, this method can be considered a deterrent. Such executions have a special effect on the thinking and actions of the population. Certainly, everyone thinks about capital punishment. Therefore, even if bad thoughts visit, such consequences prevent them from moving forward. Unfortunately, this does not eradicate the problem from society. Murder might happen nearby. People should become kinder, wiser, and think before they do something. If you are conscious, keep yourself and those around you safe. 

The Bottom Line

To summarize – much has already been written these days in death penalty essays. The analysis proves that homicide rates increase every new year. Studies demonstrate that in countries where the death punishment is allowed, there is less crime. According to the results, such executions affect the consciousness of the population. It’s a good retaining factor for a potential murder. In general, many regions have different attitudes toward this topic. But everyone agrees that we need levers that will influence such offenses and work proactively.

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