Shadow of the Colossus Ending Explained

Shadow of the Colossus is a 2005 action-adventure game developed by Japan Studio and Team Ico and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 2.

Navigate the complexities of the ultimate act of The Shadow Of The Colossus and reconnoiter topics of self-sacrifice, salvation, and the repercussions of overextending yourself in this captivating story.

The Ending

The primary traveler to the sanctuary was Dormin, and legend tells of his control to bring souls back from the dead. But Dormin is awful. He was slaughtered, and his soul was fixed within the body of sixteen Colossi numerous a long time back.

That’s why the lands are prohibited. Dormin has no power except discourse so he can’t induce anybody to assist him. He’s been bolted absent for a long time, until Meander came.

Wander Enters The Forbidden Lands

The story starts when Meander and Agro enter the Illegal Lands. In a brief scene at the begin, we get a clear thought of why typically happening. The trigger was the passing of Mono as portion of a conciliatory sheep. This disturbed Meander, who knew of Dormin’s legend. He stole the Ancient sword, took Mono’s body, and after that gotten away into the Illegal Lands.

When Dormin arrives at the antiquated sanctuary and places Mono’s body upon the sacrificial table, he uncovers himself. Anybody might have done this within the past, but Dormin is particularly interested this time since Meander has the Old Sword.

The sword is the as it were thing that can murder a colossi, and it is additionally the as it were thing that will set Dormin free. Whether or not Meander knew approximately the Antiquated Sword some time recently, we do not know, but he thought it had something to do with resuscitating Mono.

Dormin sees this as an opportunity, and he c arefully tells Meander his story, advertising his offer assistance in the event that Meander will go out and murder the colossi. In spite of the fact that he cautions Meander that the cost may be tall, Dormin chooses his words carefully to conceal the genuine nature of his arrange. 

Killing the Colossi

At the begin of the amusement, Meander goes on a mission to murder the colossi. The diversion, and all we know approximately it, can lead us to accept that we are the heroes within the story, going on a mission to urge control so that we are able protect Mono.

However, once you vanquish the amusement, you’ll see that this is often not the case. The colossi are totally unbiased animals, they do not care almost Wander or anything else within the world. They are just basic animals that exist to secure the caught parts interior Dormin.

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As you begin slaughtering the colossi, you’ll begin to see that you simply are not the saint within the story. For illustration, the colossi are exceptionally singular animals, they will stow away from you and as it were come out once you have gone as well distant interior their home.

They will disregard you (their blue eyes) and as it were assault you in the event that you keep inciting them along with your strikes (their orange eyes).

Dark rings assault Wander’s body after he slaughters each Colossus, another sign that something is out of order. The ringlets incur torment on Meander, causing him to moan and reel in reverse each time. At last, the more colossi you kill, the uglier Meander shows up, so much so that his skin turns white and he begins to develop horns.

Wander is the reprobate within the story, and while it’s genuine that he’s being controlled, the outcome is the same: he kills 16 tranquil colossi in the trust of saving Mono. 

Wander Returns

After you murder Colossus 16, you’re taken back to the sanctuary fair as the other individuals arrive. You were cautioned they would come sooner since they had been taking after you from the begin. Since of this, it is suggested that Meander and Mono have a place to the same tribe as the man chasing them, Emon.

In any case, Emon and his gather arrive as well late, and in spite of the fact that they harmed Meander, they allow Dormin to require control of his body, and all of a sudden a colossal frame of Dormin rises. The truth is uncovered, and utilizing Meander as a human have, Dormin assaults the other individuals. 


There are two major endings to the amusement. The primary is Emon and the humans’ elude from the Incredible Bridge’s pulverization. People will have a much harder time getting to Dormin without the bridge. Emon moreover says a single line that on the off chance that Meander survives, he trusts to recover himself from his sins.

Back at the sanctuary, Mono stirs. It’s not clear why Dormin would restore her, but the upshot is that she’s lively and sound. She and Agro head to the raise of the sanctuary, where they discover a infant with horns lying in a puddle of water. It’s suggested that this child is Meander, or what was cleared out of him. Mono carries the infant up the stairs to a disengaged sanctum at the beat of the sanctuary. 


The diversion takes put in a 3D realistic environment from a 3D viewpoint and incorporates combat, platforming, and perplexing amusement groupings. The environment is for the most part displayed as a smooth open world. The diversion advances in cycles. You begin at the central point of a sweeping scene and discover and vanquish a colossus.

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At that point, you return to that central point to do the same thing once more. To discover each of the colossi, you’ll raise your sword within the sunlit range and reflect rays of light. The rays of light will meet once you point your sword within the redress heading of your following experience.

The player’s way to the colossus seldom takes after a straight line. There are regular areas of shifted landscape that require a reroute to induce to the colossus. Most of the colossus are found in inaccessible areas, such as on beat of cliffs or interior antiquated structures. Once you’ve found a colossus, you’ll have to find out what their shortcomings are.

Each one lives in a diverse refuge, and most of the time you’ll have to utilize certain perspectives of the front line to your advantage, which gets to be increasingly imperative as you advance. The primary two battles are on basic, tremendous, level plains, where you’ll fair figure out how to climb the colossus and hit their powerless spots. But most of the following fourteen fights will require you to use the environment to your advantage.

Each colossus encompasses a weak spot that you simply can see through the sword’s reflection. Each one has a region secured in fur or a projecting edge merely can be utilized to snatch and climb the colossus because it whips around, attempting to get absent. 

Alternate Ending

The voice of the young lady that’s listened after the vanquishing of the colossus. She says something that shows up to control Meander. It is as if it were her breathing, to begin with, but as she recaptures awareness she begins talking to Meander. There’s no elude from the dark band that punctures Wander’s body after the colossus.

This cannot be changed. It is pitiful. I thought of a cheerful ending. But since restoration is utilized within the story it seems unlikely. I thought of changing the finishing marginally on the off chance that there’s spare information from “ICO” but chose against this. Another thought is that the young lady will be the primary one to be brought back to life through revival. She will become something past human and her body will glow.

At that point, one of the watches will try to require her life with a sword but it’ll avoid and the sword will adhere within the ground and Emon and others will freeze and escape sealing this arrival once more and Wander will live with the girl. The unique thought was for Meander to alter his see each time he beat the colossus, but within the conclusion, I needed to create it more just like the motion picture.

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The young lady who woke up was blind, so she’d be trying to find Meander all the time. But this time, Wander’s see would be distinctive. The staff roll starts with them riding off on Agro, winged creatures flying, and Agro rising from the shrine’s exit. At that point they both come out, supporting each other. Wander’s give up is his change, which can’t be fixed. At the start of production, there were horns on his head.

It’s a leftover from “ICO.” Looking back, there are a couple of things that seem to have been done differently for the finishing. If “ICO” didn’t exist, the finishing may have been distinctive. But at the conclusion, numerous in the group thought the finishing was great. The staff roll appears the remains of the Colossi one by one. I needed to incorporate a few flashback scenes there.

The girl touches Agro and Agro’s recollections stream into her and she gets it. Since Agro has a broken leg, it’s conceivable that she can’t bear her weight and passes on. But surviving with as it were one injured leg after going from such a put as falling from such a tallness is a marvel. The finishing proceeds from the start. Feathered creatures flying in the sky. The entryway to the past is opened by Wander, and time starts to stream once more.

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  • Move – L
  • Rotate Camera – R
  • Aim – RB
  • Grab – RT
  • Camera Focus – LB
  • View Colossus – LT
  • Control Horse – Y
  • Attack – X
  • Jump – A
  • Roll – B
  • Change Ranged – D-Pad Left
  • Unequip – D-Pad Up
  • Change Sword – D-Pad Right
  • Photo Mode – D-Pad Down
  • Pause Menu – Start

Final boss

The ultimate boss of Shadow of the Colossus, the 16th Colossus is found on a huge mesa at the southernmost point of the Taboo Lands in Quadrant F8. Not at all like the other 15, the 16th colossus lies exterior an region that cannot be gotten to until the past 15 have been devastated. 



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