Remember Bradley Nowell’s wife, Troy Dendekker. Where is she now

Remember Bradley Nowell’s wife, Troy Dendekker. Where is she now-Troy Dendekker is a Columbia, South Carolina native with a net worth of over $1 million. She was married to the late Bradley Nowell, lead singer and guitarist of the band Sublime.  She joined Sublime on their tours and was with them until Bradley’s death in 1996. She is now in a relationship with Kiki Holmes, and they have been together for nearly two decades. She does not have any presence on social media. Read the article below to know more about Troy Dendekker.

Troy Dendekker was born on 8 March 1971, in Columbia, South Carolina, USA, and is best known for her relationship and brief marriage to the late Bradley Nowell. Her late husband was the lead singer and guitarist of the band Sublime, which released numerous commercially and critically successful albums. There is very limited information about Troy’s life before her association with Bradley. There are few details regarding her family and childhood, but it’s known that she was raised by her parents, Robin and David Newton though they remain a mystery along with any potential siblings. She attended Notre Dame High School though it is not known which specific School due to numerous schools in the US being named the same.

How old is Troy Dendekker?

Troy Dendekker was born and raised in the United States of America and is doing well for herself as of now. She was born on the 8th of March 1971, in Columbia, South Carolina, USA. And is doing well for now and well admired and loved by friends and loved ones. She recently turned 52 years old on March 2023.

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What is Troy Dendekker’s net worth?

She is doing well financially and is living her dream life as of now.  As of early 2022, sources inform us of a net worth that is over $1 million, earned through success in her numerous endeavors.

What is Troy Dendekker’s height and weight?

Troy Dendekker has quite a good height and weight as of now and is doing well for herself as of now. Nothing is known about her height and weight since she hasn’t anything about to the media yet as of now. Besides these, no information as been gathered about her physical appearance.

What is Troy Dendekker’s Nationality and Ethnicity?

She was born and raised in the United States of America and has stayed there almost her entire lifetime and is still staying there. She has her career and most of her family relatives there. Troy Dendekker is an American by birth but nothing is known about the religion she joins. Talking about her ethnicity, not much is known about it since she hasn’t said anything about her family to the media yet.

What is Troy Dendekker’s profession?

Her popularity increased significantly after Bradley announced their relationship to the band and to the public. She joined Sublime during their tours, and was a part of band’s entourage for some time. A year after starting their relationship, the two married in an Hawaiian-themed ceremony in Las Vegas. While it was a great event for the two, they weren’t able to celebrate their marriage for long. Just seven days later, Bradley passed away from a heroin overdose.

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Does Troy Dendekker have kids?

Nothing is known about it yet.


Categories: Biography

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