Is Reaper getting removed from Overwatch 2?

Tank players are rejoicing right now, as rumours are making many people wonder if Reaper is being removed from Overwatch 2, despite his status as an original hero.

The shotgun-wielding wraith has been a pain in the backside for high-health heroes for years now, but it would be rather strange to see him removed from Overwatch 2 out of the blue.

Thankfully we’ve got everything you need to know below if you’re wondering if Reaper is being removed from Overwatch 2, so make sure to carry on reading to find out the truth in the game.

Is Overwatch 2 saying farewell to Reaper?

Image of Reaper attacking a Winston bubble in Overwatch 2Click to enlarge

Thankfully (or unfortunately, depending on your stance) Reaper is not being removed from Overwatch 2, and will remain as a hero within the game for the foreseeable future.

There has been quite a lot of uproar surrounding this rumour, but it all circulates from a TikTok by user @knockknockow, who posted a clip reacting to a rather convincing fake forum post by Aaron Keller that revealed that Reaper was being removed from Overwatch 2.

This is, of course, just a joke – so any Reaper mains out there can rest easy knowing that their favourite edge lord isn’t going anywhere for the time being.

Has Overwatch 2 removed characters before?

Image of Mercy's resurrect animation in Overwatch 2Click to enlarge

In its over seven-year lifespan there has not been a single character removed permanently from Overwatch or Overwatch 2, meaning that you should feel safe knowing that your main will never not be playable in the game forever.

Some characters have gone through quite significant reworks to the point where they feel different or serve an alternative purpose, but they remain the same character from a lore and aesthetic point of view – and you don’t lose any of your hard-earned skins either.

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During these reworks, the characters have sometimes been removed from the roster for a limited amount of time. This happened with Mei early on in the game’s life cycle.

So, that’s everything you need to know if you were wondering if Overwatch 2 is removing Reaper from the game.

Make sure to also check out our Overwatch 2 homepage for all of the latest news and guides, especially ahead of the new season.

Categories: Gaming

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