Instagram Follow Train: Rules, Groups, Guidelines

In this article, you will learn exactly how Instagram Follow Trains works.

This strategy has helped countless people grow their Instagram followers and increase their engagement rates.

However, you will need to know a few things.

Where to find Train Follows on Instagram and how to use them properly to get results.

Because at the end of the day, you want to get real, engaged followers, not the ones that will haunt you for the entire duration of their followers.

At the end of this article you will be able to use Instagram Follow Trains correctly and grow any Instagram account from 0-1000 followers.

Let’s go straight to it.

What is Instagram Follow Train?

The Instagram Follower Train (also known as the Instagram Follower Chain), is where a group of people share their Instagram accounts and follow each other.

In other words, they are using a strategy called tracking to follow.

Simply put, a follow-to-follow strategy is the act of following as many people as possible, preferably in your niche, in the hope that that person will follow you back.

Instagram Follow Trains works exactly the same way.

Does Follow Trains work?

Yes, Instagram Follow Trains works great if you are using followers for groups of followers on top.

We did a case study to analyze the potential of Follow Trains using a couple of brand new accounts.

This is the result we get:

1 day

This is the first day using Follow Trains to grow. We gained 180 followers in less than 3 days.


Exactly 2 months later, we reached 1,000 followers.

Keep in mind that not only did we manage to gain 1,000 followers in a moderate amount of time, but at that time, our posts also had a pretty good engagement rate (around 30%). .

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From this case study, you can deduce that Follow Trains actually work very well if you use them correctly.

But we’ll talk more about that later.

How do you find Instagram Follow Trains?

Now, here’s the million dollar question. How do you find good Instagram Follow Trains?

We have you.

For starters – our website, Followchain is an Instagram Tracker.

Specifically, Followchain is a community of followers for Instagram.

It’s a great place where you can self-promote your Instagram and find followers in your niche. That way, you can not only easily grow your followers, but also increase your engagement rate.

The best part is, it’s free for life.

Think of it as a social network where you can connect and connect with others through Instagram.

You can sign up for free here.

Once you’ve signed up and verified your email (make sure to check for spam/spam), you’ll notice a long list of people sharing their Instagram accounts along with a short description of them. .

You should do so.

Instagram Follow the rules of Train

To make your life easier, here is a simple 3-step process that you can use when using the Instagram Tracker.

Step 1: Share your Instagram link on the website daily.

Step 2: Find and follow others with similar interests to you in these communities (this will greatly increase your engagement rate and reduce ghost followers).

Step 3: Send a direct message to the Instagram users you have followed that you are from the respective community to follow back.

Note: If you do step 3, there is a 95% chance that users will follow you back. So you don’t have to worry about users not responding.

Advantages of Instagram Follow Train

An Instagram follower train has both a positive and a negative side.

First, let’s talk about its advantages.

Community aspect.

Joining a follow-to-follow group means you’ll be part of a community of like-minded people who will respond to followers and interactions.

Its community aspect is super nice. You can also form friendships and joke around with each other from time to time.

Knowing that you are part of a community has the potential to boost your confidence in the social media world.

Unfortunately, a lot of people care about numbers. The number of followers they have, the number of likes they receive or the number of comments they receive.

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In Instagram, it’s all about a numbers game. Metrics matter whether we like it or not.

And the reality is that not many people have strong social media networks. Follow Trains makes it easy for anyone to expand their network.

You will find interesting people and new accounts to follow

Instagram Follow Trains strengthens the Instagram search engine.

In other words, you will be able to find unique accounts of people that you can’t find through an Instagram search just because you don’t know how to control their Instagram.

Use an analogy – you need to ask for someone’s Instagram username before following them. Otherwise, you will have a hard time finding their records.

Follow Trains allows people to share their Instagram address along with a short description of themselves or what they post.

This allows you to better understand their niche and the ability to follow them if you really like their content.

It’s a quick way to increase your Instagram followers

Using Follow Trains by joining following groups is one of the fastest ways you can increase your Instagram followers to generate results.

This is because if you send a direct message to a user you already follow, you are from the respective community; they are almost guaranteed to follow you back.

Also, if you are meticulous about who you are following/direct messaging, your engagement rate will be high because both parties are in the same niche.

Disadvantages of Instagram Follow Train

Likewise, there’s always been a downside to the Instagram Tracking Train.

Your feed will be cluttered with random posts (if you’re not careful about who you’re following)

The problem with using Instagram Follow Train is that your feed will be cluttered with random posts if you literally follow people in following groups.

You will have to take the time to turn off the posts you don’t like and those who post too much.

Therefore, the right way to use Follow Trains is to carefully choose who to follow. Check the consistency of their posts and feeds.

If you don’t like the person’s content, it’s best not to follow them.

Adding a follower (low quality) makes no difference.

It’s really time consuming

If you’re hoping to use Track Workout (track to team tracking), you’ll have to be ready to allocate 1-2 hours per day to this strategy.

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It takes a lot of time and energy to track and directly message 50 users a day; otherwise 10-20.

Therefore, you should not use this strategy if you are not willing to work.

There will always be a handful of ghost followers

You need an app to constantly track ghost followers (users who don’t interact with your posts at all).

Again, if you’re not careful about who you choose to follow, the engagement you’re about to get may be low because both parties don’t like each other’s content and you can mute the posts.

You need to constantly weed out ghost followers to keep your engagement rate high.

At the end of the day, engagement is the most important metric on Instagram.

If you have a high number of followers but a very low engagement rate, your account may be of poor quality.

Conclusion: Should You Use Instagram Follow Train?

Yes – If you are willing to put your follower ratio aside and are willing to allocate 1-2 hours of your time to direct messaging users, then you should use it and join a group track to follow up.

No – If you were hoping for a perfect follower ratio to follow and hate working hard, then using Follow Train is not ideal.

Struggling with growing your Instagram followers? Stop paying agencies that ask for your Instagram password or growth services that use bots or fake followers. Followchain is the only solution you need. Sign up and create a free account today.

Author: Lim How Wei. Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain, a community that simplifies development and networking for Instagram users. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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