Instagram Couldn’t Create Thread (How to Fix)

Do you get the message “Cannot create topic. We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again.” error message when you try to send someone a direct message?

It’s annoying to receive this error message because you can’t send any direct messages. Especially if it’s something urgent.

Many Instagram users are having this problem or have had it before.

So don’t worry, you’re not the only one affected by this bug.

This article will tell you why you are getting the “Cannot create theme” error, how you can fix it, and how you can prevent it from happening in the future.

And please note—this has been a global issue a few times before, so it’s normal for Instagram to be down now.

Update: On July 16, October 22, October 23, 2020, and January 7, 2020, the vast majority of Instagram users encountered the “Cannot create topic” error. Direct messaging was down on those days.

You can search hashtags #instagramdown on Twitter and see if other users are having the same problem.

If that’s the case, then it’s not your fault, but Instagram’s.

Without further ado, let’s find out why you’re getting the error, how to fix it, and prevent it.

Why does Instagram give the error “Cannot create topic”?

If you’re getting a “Failed to create thread” error from Instagram, you’ve sent too many direct messages at once.

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If you’ve sent too many direct messages in a row to others, Instagram will temporarily block you from sending direct messages.

This is because Instagram will think you’re an automated direct message bot or you’re abusing the direct message feature.

Otherwise, you may get an error because Instagram direct messages are not working.

You can check the status of Instagram from the Down Detector website.

If you see a spike in reports, there’s a good chance that Instagram is down.

Either way, you’ll be temporarily blocked from sending direct messages on Instagram.

Blocking is a “cooldown” that can last for several hours, 24 hours, or more depending on a number of factors.

How to fix “Cannot create theme” error?

The solution I am about to share next may disappoint some of you.

But that’s the only way you can fix it.

To fix the “Cannot create topic” error on Instagram, you will have to wait.

Building on the previous one — blocks can last up to 24 hours or more.

This is how Instagram “punishes” users who abuse direct messaging.

Unfortunately, if you think you got the error by mistake, you’ll also have to wait for the “cooldown” to end.

But don’t worry—blockage doesn’t last forever! Errors will eventually be resolved over time.

So don’t panic. You can try using another Instagram account (if you have one) to message others directly.

This is why it’s important to create an alternative Instagram account.

Because if you accidentally get blocked from acting in one account, you can use the other.

How to prevent “Cannot create theme” error?

There are three things you can do to prevent the “Cannot create string” error from ever happening again.

To prevent this error, you need to stop direct messaging others repeatedly, stop using automation, and try sending different variations of direct messages instead of copying.

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Also, when you send direct messages in the future, be sure to send them at intervals to minimize errors.

Here are 3 detailed prevention methods.

1. Stop texting the other person over and over again.

To avoid the “Cannot create topic” error, you must stop direct messaging others more than once.

This is the root cause of the error.

Once you stop directly messaging others multiple times, the chances of you getting the “Can’t Thread” error on Instagram are extremely low.

Instead, message the other person directly in 10-minute intervals.

Instagram is constantly “punishing” bot activity and spam, so to prevent blocking from happening, you must act like a human while using the app.

This will keep your account from being blocked in the future.

2. Stop using automation.

Instead of using bots or automation to send direct messages; send them manually.

Automation allows you to message others directly at a faster rate, so Instagram will block you for that.

When you stop using automation, your account will be less blocked from action.

So stop using automation altogether if you want to prevent errors from happening.

3. Send different variations of direct messages instead of the same variations.

Stop copying and pasting the same direct message over and over to different users.

Instagram will treat you as a bot and temporarily disable your direct messaging feature.

Instead of sending the same direct messages, send different variations of the message.

For example, you might want to copy and paste this direct message and send it to multiple users:

“Hi, I’m from Followchain!”.

Instead of having this one message, create 2 other messages that you can copy and paste.

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“Hey, I’m from Followchain!”.

“Hi, I’m from Followchain!”.

Creating multiple variations of your direct message will greatly reduce your account from being blocked and prevent the “Failed to create thread” error from ever occurring in the future.


If you ever get the error “Cannot create thread” on Instagram, stop trying to message others directly and wait 24 hours (or more) for the error to be cleared.

In the event that Instagram goes down, there’s not much you can do until Instagram fixes the problem on their side.

Stop trying other methods or solutions to fix the error, otherwise it may get worse.

Be patient and wait for the “cooldown” direct message to end.

PS If you liked this article, please join our follower community to follow Instagram: https://www.followchain.orgit’s free!

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Author: Lim How Wei. Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain, a community that simplifies development and networking for Instagram users. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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