How to Track Time and Billable Hours With a Chromebook

If you bill others for your time while using your Chromebook, you’ll need to monitor your Chromebook to generate accurate invoices. Sometimes you want to be accountable to yourself. A tracker that helps you answer “Where did my day go?” I always recommend a timer for students to track study habits. There are many services and apps online, but on a Chromebook, you may need to keep track of your offline time. Here are some great time tracking tools.

Egg Timer 2If you’re offline, you don’t need the sun to track your time| Clint__Budd

time dose

Time Doser is a countdown timer. You tell it how long you want to work and how many breaks you want to take. It then starts a timer and notifies you when it’s time to stop. You cannot specify task types or export data. Time Doser is a great offline app for when you need to get something done and focused. It’s the ideal Pomodoro-style timer for Chromebooks.


It won’t help you track billable hours for multiple clients. However, for students, this is a simple way to keep track of your learning. It’s also the only app that can remind you to take a break.

Need a dedicated Pomodoro timer? Try the Pomodoro Timer. It also works offline.

task timer

Task Timer is a Chrome app that allows you to set a goal for a task. Once you set that goal, it will count down until the timer runs out. It’s not pretty or slick, but it gets the job done. You name your task, set a goal for how many hours and minutes, then you start the task. If you select Unknown, the action will continue until you pause it.

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timer informationtimer

Task timer won’t sync with your Google account or other device. The information remains local on your Chromebook. If privacy is a concern, this app has you covered. If you need to export or backup your information, it will allow you to Export the task as a CSV file. Any spreadsheet program will open that file.

If you only have a few tasks and only do them on your Chromebook, this app is a good place to start.

Have an exam coming up? Your Chromebook is a great learning tool with some of these apps.

Timer-Tab Timer

Timer allows you to configure many types of timers. Your three choices are Countdown, Alarm Clock, and Stopwatch. With Countdown Timer, you tell the app how long you want to work on something. The alarm clock tells you when it’s a specific time. The stopwatch keeps track of the total time.

timer board

A timer isn’t much better than using an app on your phone, but keeping it by your side will distract you. This offline Chrome app is a useful offline alternative.

Want More Student Tools: Check out other online tools for students.

Timer on progress bar

The progress bar stopwatch does not have a stopwatch style function to keep track of your time. Instead, you set how long you want a task to take, and the app will track that for you. If you want to spend no more than two hours on a project, go to Add Bar and select Time for your progress bar type. When you’re ready, select start and the app starts counting down.

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progress counter

What I like about this app is that it allows you to have multiple bars. It’s fine if you want to study in 4 hours, spend 1 hour on each subject and give yourself four 15-minute breaks. This app will track all those tasks at once. You can then pause a topic, start a break, and start the next one.

This application will export your data to JSON format and allow you to import. That’s great for syncing between devices. Since it’s a Chrome extension, you can run it on your Mac or PC to sync your data.

Tracking time

TrackingTime is the ultimate time tracking tool on Chromebooks. Its unique feature is that it syncs via the cloud with an iOS or Android app. You will always have the track available to you. It works offline and then syncs data when you’re back online.

You will need to configure Tracking Time for each task and project. When you add a task, you’ll need to set the project associated with that task. In this example, I have added Write as the Task Name and Tech Tutorial as the project. You can put your custom information in these fields. I can set a due date and estimate how long the project will take. That’s fine if you need to stay within the estimate you’ve given the client.

tracking time

After you configure what to track, the app will run in the background and will even warn you if you forget to track a task. After you get some quests, it will give you an overview of how you spent your day. It also generates a report that you can present to a client or manager. That data can be exported to a .csv file. If you forget to open the app, it will let you enter it manually.

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For an offline app, it’s pretty powerful!

No matter how you track your time, these offline apps will support you as you use your Chromebook.

Categories: How to

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