How to See Mutual Friends on Snapchat

Snapchat is a popular social media platform for sharing quick stories and videos. Much like any other social media platform, it also has a feature that allows you to see your mutual friends with your connections. However, it isn’t as straightforward as Instagram or Facebook. In this article, we’ll explore how to see mutual friends on Snapchat.

See Mutual Friends on Snapchat

Mutual friends on Snapchat are the people you and another user have in your contact lists. In other words, they’re the individuals you’re both connected to. This can be handy for several reasons:

  • It helps you identify common connections and friends, making it easier to establish rapport with someone new or confirm the authenticity of someone you’ve just added. 
  • Snapchat may use these mutual friends to suggest new connections or help you discover other users you might know. 

Basically, the number of mutual connections on Snapchat can be a valuable conversation starter and a trust-building factor for your Snapchat experience. With that in mind, let’s find out how many mutual connections you share with another Snapchat user.

Note: To maintain user privacy, Snapchat doesn’t allow you to see the names of mutual friends on Snapchat. You can only see the count.

How to Check Your Mutual Friend Count on Snapchat

There are multiple places where you can see the mutual friends count on Snapchat. One is when you are adding someone as your friend on Snapchat, and the other is while searching for a new friend on Snapchat. Let’s begin.

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Method 1: While Adding Someone to Snapchat

This method is handy when you are adding someone from the suggested list. Follow the below steps.

Note: The suggestions are based on your contact list and friend circle. Snapchat’s algorithm may work differently to include random strangers under its Quick Add feature.

Step 1: Open Snapchat on your Android or iOS device and tap on your Bitmoji in the top left corner of your screen.

tap on your Bitmoji

You will be taken to your profile page.

Step 2: Now, scroll down to find the Friends section and tap on Add Friends.

tap on Add Friends

Snapchat will show you a list of people you can add as friends. In addition, below the profile icon and the person’s username, you can see their mutual friends. Moreover, the Quick Add section of Snapchat shows the number of mutual friends between you and the particular user.

But what if you are searching for a new friend? Continue reading.

Also Read: How to change friend emojis on Snapchat

Method 2: While Searching for New Friends

If you use the search bar to find new friends, it will show people from your list. Below the list, people with mutual friends appear. Generally, people with more mutual friends appear at the top of the list. You can find mutual friends on Snapchat by following the below steps.

Step 1: Launch the Snapchat app and tap on the search icon at the top next to your Bitmoji.

tap on the search icon

Step 2: Now, type the friend’s name or username in the search bar.

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type the friend's name

There you have it. You can quickly find or check mutual friends on Snapchat. Having said that, you may wonder if best friends on Snapchat are mutual.

Well, Snapchat’s best friends are mutual, so if you are a best friend of someone else, you are also a best friend of theirs. Your best friend status is determined by the frequency and length of time you send snaps to each other.

But what if you don’t want your profile to appear in the Quick Add section with mutual friends? keep reading.  

Also Read: How to make a public profile on Snapchat

How to Hide Your Profile as a Mutual Friend on Snapchat

Hiding mutual friends on your profile is pretty straightforward. Follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Launch Snapchat on your Android or iOS device. Once launched, tap on your Bitmoji in the top left corner of your screen.

click on your Bitmoji

You will be taken to your Snapchat profile screen.

Step 2: From the profile screen, tap the Settings icon in the top-right corner. Now, scroll down to find Privacy Controls and tap ‘See More in Quick Add.’

tap 'See More in Quick Add' 

Step 3: Uncheck the box next to ‘Show me in Quick Add’ to hide your mutual friend count.

Uncheck the box

That’s about it. The number of mutual friends you have will be hidden from the user looking for or searching from now on. That said, if you have any queries we missed addressing in the article, check out the FAQ section below.

FAQs on Seeing Mutual Friends on Snapchat

1. Can I see mutual friends on Snapchat without adding them?

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There’s no way to see mutual friends on Snapchat without adding them. Snapchat values the privacy of its users and does not reveal who is connected to whom.

2. Is there a limit to the number of mutual friends displayed on Snapchat?

There isn’t a specified limit to the number of mutual friends displayed. However, the app will only show mutual friends up to a certain number, and it may prioritize displaying your more recent or active mutual friends.

3. What does ‘3 mutual friends’ mean on Snapchat when someone adds you?

This means that you and the person who added you share three friends on Snapchat. You can use this information to decide whether to accept their request. Additionally, you can see how many mutual friends they have under their name in the Quick Add section.

Build Connections

With the ability to see mutual friends on Snapchat, you can verify connections, enhance privacy, have group chats, or build a community around shared interests. You may also want to read about how to get your Snapchat streak back.

Categories: How to

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