How To Recover Deleted Files from iCloud Drive

If you’re using iCloud Drive as your default cloud sync solution, give it a go. I mean, I get the appeal. Especially if all you do is use Apple devices. It’s built-in, easy to use on Mac, and if you pay for upgraded iCloud storage, you can sync files and documents through it, too.

But the problem with iCloud (and now iCloud Drive) is that it’s not very good. Nowhere is it as feature rich or stable as Dropbox. For instance, iCloud Drive doesn’t even show a visual indicator when syncing files.

icloud drive

Recently, many users reported that iCloud Drive accidentally deleted their files. Most problems occur when trying to move files while it’s still syncing. But provided this is iCloud, crap could hit fans at any time. If for some reason you find that a file has been deleted from iCloud Drive, don’t worry, there is always a way to recover it.

What the hell is iCloud Drive? Confused? Our detailed guide will help you figure out what iCloud Drive is. While you’re at it, understanding iCloud Music Library in iOS 8.4 won’t be too bad either.

How to Restore Files Using

iCloud Drive is a cloud sync solution, not a cloud backup solution. That means the files won’t be available forever. When something is deleted, it usually goes away. Thankfully, iCloud keeps a sort cache. After a file is deleted, it remains in iCloud recovery for 30 days. That means, if you are fast enough, you can still recover that deleted file.

Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Go to and sign in with the Apple ID you use with iCloud Drive.

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Step 2: Click on the . icon Setting button.

2015 07 18 At 10 54 AM

Step 3: From here, click Data & Security. This will bring up a pop-up window showing all the files available for recovery. Here, right next to the file, you will see the number of days until the file is permanently deleted.

Screenshot 2015 07 18 At 10 20 35 AM

Step 4: Once you find the file in question, select it and select File Recovery.

2015 07 18 At 11 35 AM Result

That’s it, now the file should show up in the correct directory and put it before. When you enter the folder, you’ll see the file’s icon along with the file’s status. If it hasn’t been downloaded, the label will read Not downloaded yet and will display a progress bar.

Screenshot 2015 07 18 At 10 45 33 Am Copy Result

Can think about switching

Sooner or later, iCloud Drive will let you down. I think iCloud is great for syncing photos, especially with the new Photos app for Mac. Also, iCloud Photo Library is great to me.

But I wouldn’t trust iCloud with any of my documents. First of all, there is no “app” for it on iOS or even on the web. Android is of course no question. Plus, the sync is really not that accurate.

Follow my advice and try Dropbox for a while (also, see Dropbox vs Google Drive vs SpiderOak comparison). It works great with Mac and iOS and integrates right into the Finder.

Categories: How to

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