How to Migrate to SSD without Reinstalling Windows

I recently got an SSD for my PC, so I’m facing the brunt of another Windows reinstall. I reinstall Windows every 6 months or so because after that period of use, installing/uninstalling many programs and drivers causes the PC to give random errors and mess up the registry and my system components. But I did a reinstall just this February and am not in the mood to go through that process again. So I decided to move my OS to SSD.

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The Disk Clone function is used to accomplish this. So let’s see how it’s done. Before we continue, as a precaution, back up your data on the C: drive and defrag your drive.

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Step 1: First you access My computer and check your C: drive size. If it fits your SSD, all is well and good. Otherwise you will have to remove some files from it to make room. One way to shrink the size of your C: drive is to move user folder to some other drive.

Document Location

To move your User folders, create a folder in a different location, open C: drive > yours account name folder > right click on each folder (Documents, Music, Pictures), click Passet and below Location tab, click Move and select the folder you created.

Step 2: There are many apps to clone drives, but EaseUS ToDo Backup is easy to use and has the option to specifically copy to SSD. Download EaseUS ToDo Backup and install it. Open the app and click Clones in the upper right.

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Copy E1433100264210

Step 3: Select your Windows drive and click Next.

Select Drive1 E1433100480440

Step 4: It will now ask your destination drive, which is your SSD, to copy the contents of your C: drive. Make sure you choose Optimized for SSDs options at the bottom left of the window. Select your SSD and click Next.

Select target E1433100588815

If you receive a message that the source drive is too large, you will have to further reduce the contents of the Windows drive.

Step 5: Once the process is finished, boot from the SSD, either by selecting it from the boot menu or by changing the drive order in your BIOS. After you successfully boot into Windows, delete the data from your old Windows drive.

Step 6: We also need to make sure that Windows has disabled defragmentation for your SSD. If you’re on Windows 7, simply run the Windows Experience index again to have Windows determine that your new drive is an SSD and disable Defrag. For Windows 8 & 8.1 users, search Defrag and optimize your drive and check if it shows up X% cut against your SSD.

Win8Ssdtrim 1 E1433100755552

We also need to check if the TRIM command is enabled. Just open CMD and type:

fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify

If you get 0, then it is activated, if you get 1 it is not. If you get 1, find out if your SSD supports TRIM.

Cut test E1433100857262

Finally, if something goes wrong and you can’t boot, you’ll know where to look for help.


Reinstalling Windows, your drivers and all your programs is always exhausting. Previously, we showed you how to restore Windows as it was, and now you also know how to transfer Windows installation from one drive to another. Furthermore, this method is not limited to SSDs, it will also work on traditional hard drives.

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Categories: How to

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