How to get rid of villagers in LEGO Fortnite

Populating a village in LEGO Fortnite is relatively easy, however, you may want to kick some of your villagers out to make room for new additions to your thriving community – so we’re here to lend a hand in that department.

If, unlike us, you don’t fancy building a large Gollum effigy to scare away your villagers in the game, removing them from your village can be done with a simple action that will send them packing.

How to get rid of villagers in LEGO Fortnite

To get rid of villagers in LEGO Fortnite, you simply need to break the bed that has been assigned to them. You can use your tools and weapons to break it down, as below, to reclaim the materials and, after a short wait, the villager that was assigned to it will gradually leave.

The player breaks a villager's bed in LEGO FortniteClick to enlarge

Whenever a new villager joins your little settlement, you’ll have to assign them a bed so that they can rest, a little like setting your own respawn location. But once the bed is broken, they’ll have nowhere to rest their weary heads and eventually leave.

What do villagers do in LEGO Fortnite?

Once you’ve started populating your village in LEGO Fortnite, you can get your villagers to perform an assortment of tasks, whether harvesting materials or joining you on expeditions while you’re out exploring.

However, there are only so many villagers you can have at any one time, so if your favourite character comes along, you needn’t feel too bad about booting someone out.

That’s everything you need to know about villagers and how to get rid of them in LEGO Fortnite. Once you do, you’ll be able to curate your thriving community to your liking. You can also check out our Fortnite homepage for even more guides, like how to cook in LEGO Fortnite, so you stand a better chance of survival.

Categories: Gaming

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