How to Get Image Descriptions on Google Chrome for PC and Android

Most smart devices like Windows, Mac, and Android PCs have certain features to support accessibility for all types of users. One example is Windows Narrator, a screen reader that describes the contents of the screen to the user. The information described, in turn, helps users navigate their device. Mac also has something similar called VoiceOver.

Now, the premise of using a screen reader depends on the content of the screen with the description. This is why images often have alt text. When an image lacks a description, Google Chrome introduced a feature to help get a description. Here’s how to enable image descriptions on your Chrome for PC and Android

Note: The setting to enable image descriptions isn’t available on Chrome for iPhone.

How to Enable Image Description on Google Chrome for PC

When image descriptions are enabled, the image is sent to Google to help create the image. Where Google is unable to do so, a screen reader will read No description available. There are two ways to enable image descriptions on Google Chrome for PC. These include:

Using the Context Menu

If you’re on a page and want to get an image’s description as quickly as possible, this is where the context menu comes in. Chrome’s context menu can be used to customize your browsing experience. You need to know the keyboard shortcut to open the context menu and enable the feature. Here are the steps to follow:

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Step 1: On your PC, click the Start menu and search for Chrome.

Step 2: Click Open to launch the Chrome app from the results.

Step 3: Enter the website address containing the image without a description.

Step 4: On your keyboard, press Shift + F10 keys simultaneously to launch the context menu. You can also right-click Chrome to bring up the context menu.

Step 5: Click the drop-down menu next to the ‘Get image description from Google’ option. Choose between Always and Only Once options for how often to describe images.

Step 6: Click ‘Yes I’m in’ to confirm that Google retrieves the image description.

After you enable the setting, your screen reader should have no problem describing images unless Chrome can’t provide a description.

Using Chrome Settings

Most Chrome features are accessible via the Settings menu. Here are the steps to enable image description from Settings on Windows 11.

Step 1: On your PC, click the Start menu and search for Chrome.

Step 2: Click Open to launch the Chrome app from the results.

Step 3: Enter the website address containing the image without a description.

Step 4: Navigate your cursor to the top right of the browser and click the vertical ellipsis to ‘Customize and control Google Chrome.’

Step 5: Click Install from the options.

Step 6: On the new page, click Accessibility.

Step 7: On the right side of the page, tap the toggle next to ‘Get image description from Google.’

Step 8: Click ‘Yes, I’m in’ to confirm Google’s grab of the image description.

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Image descriptions will not appear visually, but will only be read through a screen reader.

How to Enable Image Description on Google Chrome for Android using Settings

To enable image descriptions from the page you’re on in Chrome, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Launch Chrome from your device’s home screen.

Step 2: Tap the horizontal ellipsis at the top of the page.

Step 3: From the More menu, tap Settings.

Step 4: Scroll down to Advanced Settings and tap Accessibility.

Step 5: Tap the switch next to ‘Get image description’ to enable the feature.

For image description to work on Chrome for Android, or for the option to enable it from Settings, make sure your device has a screen reader. A screen reader also needs to be enabled on your device. Without a screen reader, the option to enable image descriptions is not available to you.

Enable live subtitles on Google Chrome

Another accessibility option on Google Chrome is live captions. Where enabling image descriptions is solely about retrieving an image’s description from Google and communicating via screen readers, live captions work differently. With Chrome live subtitles, the audio/video content is transcribed in real time.

Categories: How to

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