How to find and search a Weapon Case in Fortnite

The fresh season of Fortnite has introduced plenty of inspired features alongside new challenges and a new Battle Pass – one of the features that has been added is Weapon Cases. A Weapon Case stores weapons with some decent attachments on them and will make a great addition to your loadout. 

Below we will outline where you can find a Weapon Case in the game as well as the steps to follow once you find one. 

Where to find Weapon Cases 

Before you jump into a game searching for a weapon case, you can easily figure out where they are by tracking the Kickstart Quest “Search a Weapon Case”. This will put markers on the map highlighting roughly where they are as can be seen below:

Weapon case locations in FortniteClick to enlarge

Once you have completed this quest, the big markers will disappear – but the location will still be kept by a red diamond on the map. The locations where you can find a Weapon Case are listed below: 

  • Ritzy Riviera
  • Hazy Hillside
  • Rebel’s Roost
  • Reckless Railway
  • West of Pleasant Piazza
  • West of Fencing Fields
  • East of Classy Courts

Underground symbol FortniteClick to enlarge

Once you are in one of the above areas, there will be arrows pointing towards the weapons. Follow these arrows until you find the red diamond painted onto a wall – the Weapon Case will be near the graffiti. 

How to search a Weapon Case 

Fortunately, searching a Weapon Case is really simple. You can search it by pressing the same button you would to search anything else in the game – if you’re unsure, a prompt will appear on the screen showing which button to press.

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Fortnite Weapon CaseClick to enlarge

In the room where you find them there will be more than one weapon as well as plenty of ammo boxes – hopefully setting you up nicely for the rest of the match. Once I found these I went on a bit of a spree, helping me come very close to a cheeky win.

That is all you need to know about searching for a Weapon Case in Fortnite. If you need help with pulling off the Train Heist or you’re wondering how to unlock Solid Snake, check out our Fortnite homepage. 

Categories: Gaming

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