How to Change Your “For You” Page (FYP) on TikTok

Looking to change or reset the FYP (Your Page) on TikTok?

Maybe you want to prevent annoying Fortnite content from appearing on your FYP.

Or maybe you want to stop seeing the hardcore TikTokers from your region.

In this article, you’ll learn 7 steps to change your FYP on TikTok to only see stuff you like.

But before that, remember to clear your TikTok cache to clear the information of the videos you’ve watched.

You can do so by tapping the ellipsis icon on your profile > Settings > Clear cache.

  1. Option not interested
  2. Like videos that interest you
  3. Selective comment
  4. Follow interested accounts
  5. Share videos you like
  6. Playback videos that interest you
  7. Engage less with videos you don’t like

1. Don’t care option

The button that doesn't care about TikTok

You can use the “Not Interested” option to tell TikTok that you are not interested in the video.

By using the “Not interested” option, you will see fewer videos in the future on your FYP.

You may also be given the option to hide the video from your account or the audio used in the video.

Whenever you see a video you don’t like on your Page, you can use the “Not Interested” option.

You can find the option by long-pressing the video for a few seconds or tapping the share icon.

Every time you see an unwanted video on your FYP, you can use the “Do not care” option.

Here’s how you can use preferences on TikTok:

  1. Tap and hold the video for a few seconds, or tap the share icon.
  2. Tap on the “Not interested” option.

Once you tap “Not Interested,” the video will be hidden and you’ll be less likely to see those types of videos in the future.

Repeat this for other videos you’re not interested in and over time your FYP will be changed.

Using the “Do not care” option is one way for you to remove content that you do not want to appear on your FYP.

However, it won’t reset completely as there are still other steps you need to take.

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2. Like the video you are interested in

TikTok is like a heart

TikTok mentioned in their newsroom that one of the contributing factors to your FYP is the videos you’ve liked.

The TikTok For You page is curated based on user interactions, such as videos you’ve liked.

Whenever you see a video you like on your Page, be sure to like it so TikTok recommends similar videos.

When you like a video on TikTok, that type of video will be shown more in your Friends Page.

For example, if you like a lot of dance videos, more dance videos will be suggested in your feed.

Similarly, if you like videos with dogs in them, you’ll see more dog videos.

The TikTok For You page is curated to show only the content that interests you.

As such, you are more likely to stay in the application for a longer period of time.

By liking videos that interest you, you’re helping the algorithm better decide what type of content to recommend to you.

So if you want to change your FYP, be sure to like the videos that interest you.

3. Selective comments

TikTok add comment

Videos that you comment on also play a role in the recommended content on your Friends Page.

When you comment on a video, the algorithm determines that you are interested in it and starts showing more of it in your FYP.

Even if you’ve commented something negative about the video, the algorithm can still assume you’re interested in the video.

If you comment on a video, the algorithm will determine that you are interested in that video.

As a result, you will see similar types of videos in your FYP.

Even if you’ve commented something negative, the algorithm may still think you care about it.

So if you want to change your FYP, you need to comment more on the videos you like.

Conversely, don’t comment on videos you don’t like.

Otherwise, TikTok may start suggesting you videos that you don’t want to see.

4. Follow interested accounts

TikTok account profile

According to TikTok, video recommendations on your Page for friends are also based on the accounts you follow.

If you want to influence your FYP to show more videos you like, you need to start following accounts that post content that interests you.

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TikTok also recommends videos based on who you follow.

If you want to change your FYP on TikTok, you’ll need to start following multiple accounts that post content that interests you.

If you are currently following a lot of people, you need to take a look at your watchlist.

Then find the accounts that are posting content you don’t like and unfollow them.

Only continue to follow accounts whose content you find interesting.

When you do, your FYP will start recommending more videos that interest you.

5. Share videos you like

TikTok share icon

Along with videos that you’ve liked and commented on, recommended videos are also based on the type of content you share.

TikTok also recommends videos on your Page for friends based on the type of content you’ve shared.

For example, if you’ve shared a lot of cat videos, many of them will be suggested on your FYP.

When you share a video on TikTok, it shows that you care about the video.

TikTok will suggest videos that are similar to the ones you’ve shared.

For example, if you like cat videos, try sharing multiple videos with cats in them.

Here’s how you can share videos on TikTok:

  1. Tap the share icon on the video.
  2. Share the video on your chosen platform (e.g. Whatsapp).

Please note that the Share > More > Cancel trick doesn’t work on TikTok anymore.

If you’re sharing a video, you really need to submit it to a platform of your choice.

In the past, you could use a trick to increase your post’s shares.

However, the bug has been fixed and the trick will no longer count as a share.

So if you don’t want to share the video with anyone, you can share the video to yourself.

6. Playback videos that interest you

TikTok text

When your account is relatively new, TikTok will learn the type of content you’re interested in based on your likes, comments, and replays.

When you replay a video, it’s a sign to TikTok that you’re interested in the video.

As your account ages, these factors also contribute to recommended videos on your For Friends Page.

When you replay a video, it’s a sign to TikTok that you’re interested in the video.

So if you want to change the video type in your FYP, make sure to replay the videos you like.

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Conversely, don’t replay videos you’re not interested in if you don’t want the same videos to show up on your FYP.

7. Engage less with videos you don’t like

TikTok swipe up

Finally, if you keep seeing videos you don’t like on the For You Page, you have to interact with them less.

To change your Page on TikTok, avoid interacting with videos you don’t like.

This includes liking, commenting, sharing and replaying videos.

Also, commenting something negative on a video is no exception.

If you see a video you don’t like on TikTok, delete it as quickly as possible.

This will minimize your watch time on that video.

Next, if you liked a lot of videos in the past, remember to dislike the videos you’re no longer interested in.

If you want TikTok to stop recommending videos based on what you like, you have to unlike all your liked videos.


TikTok sorts your Friends Pages based on a variety of factors.

When you first use TikTok, the app collects data about you based on your interactions, such as likes, comments, and replays.

As your account ages, the system continues to learn more about you and organizes Your Page based on your interests.

So if you want to change your FYP, you have to change the way you interact in the app.

If you don’t want the hassle of doing so, your best bet is to create a new account if you ever want to reset your FYP.

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Author: Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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