How to Add User to Group in LuckPerms

LuckPerms is a Minecraft server plugin that allows the server to manage player features by creating groups and permissions.

It is fast, reliable, easy to use and flexible, supporting different data storage options and server types.

It offers extensive customization options and settings that can be tailored to the needs of your server.

In addition, LuckPerms is a free plugin and is trusted by thousands of large server and network administrators.

It can be set up by command, directly in the configuration file or through the web editor.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add users to groups in the LuckPerms plugin in your Minecraft server.

How to add users to groups in LuckPerms

To add a user to a group in LuckPerms, execute “/lp user [name] set of parents [group]”.

Here is an example of the command: “/lp howwarrior parent set VIP”.

By executing this command, the player named “howwarrior” will be added to the VIP group.

Command to add user to group in LuckPerms:

/lp user [name] set of parents [group]

    By using the “parent” command, the user’s group will be replaced with the one you provided.

    They will be able to use the permissions listed in that group.

    The player’s prefix will also be set to the group’s prefix.

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