Gabriel Attal Age, Height & Weight

Gabriel Attal Age, Height & Weight: Gabriel Attal is a French politician of the Renaissance party.

On Tuesday, 9 January 2024, Attal was named by President Emmanuel Macron to replace Élisabeth Borne as prime minister.

At the age of 34, Attal becomes the youngest and first openly gay person to hold office in France, and the youngest serving state leader in the world

A political ally of Macron, he has been described as a potential contender for the 2027 presidential election as Macron is not eligible for a third term in office.

The President of France is only allowed two five-year terms in office and Macron has been elected twice; in 2017 and 2022.

In just over a decade, Attal has risen from a work experience recruit in the health ministry to the second-highest office of the state in France.

Gabriel Attal Age

As of January 2023, Gabriel Attal is 34 years old. He was born on Thursday, March 16, 1989, in Clamart, France.

Gabriel Attal Height & Weight

Gabriel Attal’s height and weight are unavailable at this time. However, looking at his photos and videos, he’s a tall gentleman with a great physique.

Born in 1989, Attal attended the École Alsacienne, a private school of choice for high-profile parents in politics and the arts in Paris in the 6th arrondissement, where English lessons are obligatory from the primary level.

He later recounted how he had been bullied at school. After the baccalauréat, he studied at the prestigious Sciences Po University and obtained a master’s in public affairs.

Attal’s political ambition was sparked when he attended a demonstration against Jean-Marie Le Pen when she was voted into the second-round presidential runoff against Jacques Chirac in 2002.

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He eventually joined the Socialist Party in 2006 and supported its presidential candidate, Ségolène Royal, in the 2007 election.

In 2012, a period of work experience in the office of the then health minister Marisol Touraine, the mother of one of his classmates, led to a full-time job in the ministry at the age of 23.

Attal was elected to the French National Assembly in June 2017, representing the Hauts-de-Seine’s 10th constituency, winning out over the designated successor of André Santini.

He became a junior minister to the minister of national education and youth in 2018, Government Spokesperson in 2020, minister of public action and accounts in 2022, and minister of national education and youth in 2023.

On 9 January 2024, Attal was appointed by President Emmanuel Macron as prime minister, becoming the youngest and first openly gay person to hold the office in France at the age of 34.


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