Escape Simulator The Library Walkthrough

The library is the second escape room in the Escape Simulator in Edgewood Mansion.

In this quick guide, you’ll learn the answers to the Edgewood Mansion Library in Escape Simulator.

This includes boxes, butterfly paintings, gramophone locks, fireplaces, and clocks.

  1. Box
  2. Butterfly Painting
  3. Lock the gramophone
  4. Heater
  5. Clock

1. The box

Escape Simulator Library Box

Open the right cabinet and pull the books aside.

Click and drag the rope and collect the key.

Collect the green book containing the key icon.

Open the green book and collect the little key.

Use the key from the rope to open the left cabinet and collect the box.

Collect the Lock Book on the right shelf.

Check the Lock Book and use the small key to open it.

Pages 6 and 7 of the book have 5 red letters.

5 red letters spell, “Dream”.

Check the box and enter “D”, “R”, “E”, “A”, “M” to unlock.

Open the box and get the thermometer.

2. Butterfly painting

Escape Simulator Butterfly Library

You need to start with an orange butterfly (left) and end with a brown butterfly (right). Also, identical butterfly wings need to be joined end to end. For example, if the first butterfly’s right wing is brown, the second butterfly’s left wing should be brown. If the right wing of the second butterfly is red, the left wing of the third butterfly should be red. According to this logic, the correct order of the pictures is 3, 8, 5, 7, 2.

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Collect the eighth butterfly picture on the right cabinet.

Open the left drawer on the desk and get the papers.

Collect the second butterfly picture on the right shelf.

According to the articles, identical butterfly wings should be connected to each other.

You need to start with orange wings and end with brown wings.

Identical butterfly wings also need to be joined end to end.

The correct order of the butterfly picture is 3, 8, 5, 7, 2.

Therefore, the correct combination for the composite key is 3, 8, 5, 7, 2.

Collect vinyl pieces and crows.

Move the brown book out of the way and collect another piece of vinyl.

3. Lock the gramophone

Escape Simulator Gramophone Library

The association with the jukebox key is represented by the number of squeaks, rattles, and hisses coming from the gramophone. The number of the Owl pattern is “9”. Therefore, a pickaxe represents the number “9”. The number of the Crow pattern is “3”. Thus, a caw represents the number “3”. Finally, the Eagle model number is “1”. Therefore, the hiss represents the number “9”. Therefore, the combination of the key is 9, 3, 9, 1 because there are squeaks, squeaks, squeals and hisses.

Open the right drawer under the butterfly pictures and collect the piece of vinyl.

Your luggage will now contain 3 pieces of vinyl.

Place vinyl pieces on the gramophone.

Click on the phonograph’s arm to place it on the vinyl.

Click the handle to start playing vinyl.

You will hear 4 sounds—“Hoot”, “Caw”, “Hoot”, “Screech”.

The owl, crow and eagle patterns each represent a number.

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Owl = 9, Crow = 3 and Eagle = 1.

Therefore, the combination of the gramophone key is 9, 3, 9, 1 (hoot, caw, hoot, screech).

Collect the matchbox from the drawer.

4. Fireplace

Escape Simulator Library Fireplace

The saying on the thermometer reads: “Dear my beloved wife, Your love will always be like a burning fire”. Therefore, you need to light the fireplace (light it with a match) and put a thermometer inside to open the furnace.

Take the matchstick out of the matchbox.

Drag the matchstick to the side of the matchbox to light it.

Use the match on the fireplace to light it.

Place the thermometer inside the heater.

After you place the thermometer inside the heater, it will be opened.

5. Clock

Escape Simulator Library Clock

Check the thermometer is open.

The thermometer has three temperatures.

This includes “Middle”, “Bottom”, and “Top”.

The thermometer also says, “Full Moon” and “Midnight”.

Navigate to the clock and set it to “Full Moon”, time to “Midnight” and “Middle”, “Bottom”, “Top”.

Then you will be able to escape the Library in Edgewood Mansion!

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