Does PAYDAY 3 have a battle pass? Season pass explained

We’ve got everything you need to know about PAYDAY 3’s passes here, including whether the game has a battle pass or not.

Anyone looking to get into PAYDAY 3 might be curious to know whether the game features a battle pass. These have been a major part of many big game releases recently, and usually offer a series of customisable content players have to purchase and then unlock by playing.

Keep reading to find out more about whether PAYDAY 3 has a battle pass.

Does PAYDAY 3 have a battle pass?

A character running in PAYDAY 3.Click to enlarge

Currently PAYDAY 3 doesn’t have a battle pass. We’re not sure if the game will ever add one, but for now, it doesn’t have a standard battle pass like a lot of other games do.

To some people, this will probably come as good news. We’ve seen a few too many battle passes in games recently where they don’t quite fit, so it might be a relief to some players not to have one in PAYDAY 3.

However, the game does feature season passes which can unlock new content in the game. We’ve got a full explanation of what the season passes include below.

PAYDAY 3 season pass explained

A mask from PAYDAY 3.Click to enlarge

PAYDAY 3 features season passes which unlock new content, including new heists and weapons. Specifically, they include two new heists, two weapons packs and two tailor packs.

These season passes are released every six months and require you to have the Silver or Gold edition of the game to unlock them. If you only have the standard edition of the game you’ll have to purchase these season passes separately.

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However, these are not the same as the traditional battle passes seen in other games. You’ll unlock all the content in them when they release, rather than having to unlock stuff by playing the game and levelling up your battle pass over time.

PAYDAY 3 also has cosmetic microtransactions which allow players to purchase customisation items for the game.

For more PAYDAY 3, keep reading TRAN HUNG DAO School. Alternatively, check out our review of PAYDAY 3!

Categories: Gaming

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