Does MW3 have split-screen or multiplayer co-op?

With a new COD, players will be asking many of the same questions about its features, and many are wondering if MW3 has split-screen functionality or cooperative multiplayer across the game’s various modes. 

Modern Warfare 3 is here and in addition to knowing the best guns and how to get mastery camos, it’s worth learning if you can play with people locally like in previous entries. Find out below.

Does MW3 have split-screen or multiplayer co-op?

Modern Warfare 3 does feature split-screen functionality, as well as local co-op multiplayer support, but this is restricted to the multiplayer mode only.

This means there is no cooperative campaign in the game, and even more puzzling is the lack of offline zombies support, meaning players cannot enjoy the zombies mode locally like in previous games. 

an image of players in vehicles on the zombies mode on MW3Click to enlarge

Of course, if you and your friends have internet you can still play zombies online, but say goodbye to playing the mode with multiple people on the same console or through the use of a local area network. 

Features like this are increasingly lacking in modern games, with the days of local split-screen feeling like a relic of a bygone era of gaming. While most of us have internet these days, it does suck for people with poor internet or those who can only play on the same console.

Though it affects only a small percentage of the player population, I look at split-screen or local co-op as accessibility features, as it makes a lot of difference for those who really need it. 

It seems unlikely that Activision will ever add these features to MW3, especially after hearing the reports of a rushed development cycle, but we’ll update this guide if things ever change. 

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That’s all you need to know about whether MW3 has split-screen or multiplayer co-op.

Check out our MW3 homepage for more guides. Otherwise, take a look at the full MW3 campaign missions list, all Killstreaks, and our slide cancelling explainer.

Categories: Gaming

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